
Responses from chashmal

Is your image centred?
No doubt that the above statement is true. I have many records and their CD counterparts, and very often the soundstage has been 'moved' to appear more balanced or centered. I think it almost always is more contrived, and of course, less natural. ... 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
I have never liked the word 'fatiguing' to describe the glare and shrill qualities of an overly bright system. I don't get fatigued by it, it just sounds like crap. 
Is your image centred?
With what I just said not withstanding, yes, try a mono record and know for sure. 
Is your image centred?
LUNA: Take it from me, please, if you dwell on this past due diligence you will spoil your pleasure. Do whatever you can, with yourself and your chosen experts, to make your rig as good as it can be. Past that there is a point of no return where i... 
tired of "giant killer tube amp"
better is better, that's why they call it that 
Best things 'in life'
Since you guys brought up restauarants, here are my top places in the NYC area. (sorry no Mexican...NY doesn't have anything close to LA Mex-wise). But we have this:Venetian: Al Di LaThai: SripraphaiIndian: CholaSteak: Peter LugerPizza: DiFara's (... 
What has been your most satisfying component?
Toss up between my Linn LP12 w/lingo and Art Audio Carissa SET tube amp 
Live infectious funk jams....quality recordings
Flop Jonson "I loves to flop" 1966 
Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66
Rubenstein for sure 
Record is noisier after cleaning:
Often doing nothing is the best plan. As the physicians oath says: first do no harm. Any chemical compound must leave something behind in some way. I try to play a record clean, if I can. 
what should i keep, shindo or mcintosh
I personally would go for the Shindo, which seems to have a more open soundstage and more of a 'live' feel to it. The Mac gear tends to be a bit relentless and artificial in comparison, IMO. 
Heaver grade vinyl vs Standard
Agreed. I have noticed absolutely no benefit to 180 & 200 gm vinyl whatsoever. I find these records to be (for the most part) dull and rather lifeless compared to a great pressing from the 50's-70's. 
Best short-lived band?
The Retards (New York City circa 1988) 
Best things 'in life'
my wife, my privacy, my time alone during the day, my work 
Record is noisier after cleaning:
I have had that happen with my VPI. I open a sealed brand new record and play it. It has some noise and pops. Then I clean it and there is a change, but maybe not for the better. However other times I repeat this whole process and it works like a ...