
Responses from chashmal

Choice of turntable ,tone arm and cartridge
Don't listen to audiophiles! Trust your own ears!!!(By the way, I like a Linn LP12 with a Naim aro tonearm and Lyra cartridge...but that's just me) 
Farewell Rick Wright of Pink Floyd
I am not a rock fan but I love the stuff Pink Floyd did before "The Wall" (which I cannot stand). Meddle is a masterpiece. 
So whats your favorite music themed movie?
"Tous les matins du monde" the story of the French composer Marin Marais. By the way, many of you seem proud that you are die-hard philistines. 
Does colored vinyl sound as bad as picture discs?
Some of my colored vinyl sounds amazing, some does not, just like regular records. 
Graham, Naim Aro, or Linn arms?
Larryi: I see you have a Lyra Titan Cartridge. What do you think is the advantage over the Dorian? Have you heard the Helicon? I am not sure if it is worth the money for me. What are your impressions? 
Graham, Naim Aro, or Linn arms?
I am leaning to the aro. I currently have a used Rega 300 arm which I got really cheap. I also have a Lyra Dorian cartridge, and I really like it. It took almost 100 hours to really break in. I intend on moving up the Lyra line, but with a new arm... 
Phono Preamp Suggestions?
Art Audio Vinyl 1. Best value. However you will want to upgrade your speakers after that. 
Help -- need Idiot's Guide to music server system
I might be a retard, but it seems to me that none of this stuff could possibly sound any good. Get me back to my vinyl, quick. 
How can we settle for digital?
I have heard much speculation about record wear. I personally have not noticed it. I have records that I have played thousands of times since the 70's and they still sound fantastic. 
Don't be afraid of cartridge setup.
You know, I am such a mechanically un-inclined klutz that it is worth the $250 just to have some else (who I highly respect) do it for me. I bet he even gets it to 97%.That being: Dave Wilson of Accent on Music in Westchester NY. 
Life As I knew in My Audio World Has Ended, Help
Work out? What's that? 
How can we settle for digital?
Nilthepill: can you be more specific about which 'ref' units you like? Have you heard the Esoteric, EMM, or Wadia? I am curious what your impressions are because I know they have made great strides in the past 2 years. 
Yes. That's the worst thing I can say for myself. What do you want, I grew up in the '70's. 
How can we settle for digital?
QUESTION FOR AUDIOFEIL: which new EMM or Esoteric model do you like for 6 grand or under? Despite our differences, you really do come out on the right side of most debates (even though you are a dealer) :) 
How can we settle for digital?
I have not heard the EMM Labs CDSA SE, and I would love to. The only CDP that I have heard that I thought came anywhere close to my TT was the Lector cdp7 mkII. I thought about getting one, as it was certainly better than my Meridian 507, but I'd ...