
Responses from chashmal

audiophile recordings of 12 tone/serialist works
I am continually learning to appreciate how vast the nonsuch catalogue is! 
audiophile recordings of 12 tone/serialist works
Rushton: I have never heard Martino. Is he a 12 tone composer? I am going to poke around and see if I can find some. (My secret reason for the thread is revealed: getting more music!)I wish I had the original pressings of some of your listings. 
Suggestions Please
Check out how your system handles chamber music miked both up close and from a distance in a large ambient sounding music hall. This will reveal spatial relationships that are really fun to hear on a great system, but will have the often frustrati... 
Burmester test CD 001 & 002
you guys are dangerous... 
Larry Coryell at Jazz Showcase in Chicago
I remember him from the 70's as a typical melodically challenged fusion show off with no real musical ideas. If he has grown into an actual musician I applaud him. Maybe he got off coke. 
lps from "classic records" as awesome as axis bold
Jazz reissues on Blue Note and Prestige have been excellent. I have compared originals such as Eric Dolphy's "Out to Lunch" between my near mint original pressing and the reissue and the reissue stands up shockingly well. I still think the origina... 
Blues from the 50s/60s/70s
I suggest you do research in the Library of Congress, and learn how to spell. 
Most achingly-beautiful music
How do you level your turntable?
1. Level stand2. Check TT from platter and base3. Sit back and enjoy, and do not check again unless I need to 
Vinyl Find of the Week?
Today's find: an original copy on Riverside of "Thelonious Himself" solo piano. One of my favorites. 
Need help with Record Cleaning using Disc Doctor
Buy an RCM 
Sun Ra saturn re-issues
Yes Josch753, I have many many original saturns from the earliest to the lastest. I also have a really complete discography and record of recording dates not pressed compiled from Ra's own people, and I have a few discographies that just cover the... 
Record cleaning concentrates
I have been using the VPI stuff and it does a good job, but from what I have heard the enzyme based stuff is more effective. So why don't I use it? I simply do not need to. The VPI fluid is fine, and my records sound very quiet, and I do buy many ... 
Ever had a "Promotional Copy" surprise your ears?
I own many that sound really really good. One label's promos that sound particularly great are the impulse LP's from the 60's and 70's. The promos tend to be thinner but often they sound clean, spacious, and very well detailed. For example, my pro... 
Anyone find the Linn Lingo too fast?
I find the Linn gear to be a little relentless and 'electronic' sounding in general, and boxy, and shallow and shrill. I feel much the same about Naim. Maybe I just don't like the UK gear.I own an LP12 with a lingo which I absolutely love, but I p...