
Responses from chashmal

A favorite Oliver Messiaen recording
Here is the big question: what "Quartet for the end of time" do you like best? There are so many great ones. 
A favorite Oliver Messiaen recording
Excellent question. I am partial to the solo organ works; my favorite being Marie-Claire Alain "La Nativite Du Seigneur" (1988 Erato). It has that etherial quality with multiple radical breaks into that 'the Divine glory' sound he does so well, li... 
Columbia or Epic
Depends on when the Columbia LP was pressed. On line there are galleries of labels (2 eye, 6 eye, etc) and you can identify them that way. The pressings from the 50's and 60's are best, 80's (possibly) are worst, but that should also be taken on a... 
Analogue Productions 2nd set of Blue Note SACD's
Can you give purchase info for this? I have not seen these reissues around. 
Tracking Troubles--Upgrade or Setup?
"Not all protractors are created equal, and you may have difficulties trying to implement a Baerwald alignment on a Rega, which favors a Stephenson alignment. Also, since you're using an LP12, I would recheck your arm cable dressing through the P-... 
Tracking Troubles--Upgrade or Setup?
Doug: Yes, it does certainly favor one channel alright, you got it. It occurs on some LPs but not consistently. A given LP might do it now and then, not always. Definitely not LP damage I think.Here you will have to excuse my ignorance on this mat... 
Tracking Troubles--Upgrade or Setup?
I experience exactly the same thing, and have (by process of elimination) come tome the conclusion that occasional mistracking definitely occurs. Often, when I simply lift the arm and put it back it helps. I don't want to go any heavier if I can a... 
Guilty Pleasure recording?
I occasionally listen to Yes. Terrible lyrics, god awful, but you have to love those bass lines. 
Are Dust Covers a MUST
After much experimentation (this afternoon) I think I like it better OFF. It seems to have a bit more air.Whether it is all in mind or not is...the eternal question. 
Best single-malt Scotch...
Urino de Peshadore '94 
Why are classical solo cello LPs so expensive?
There is also a low supply in addition to the demand. For example, I really want a copy of the Casals Bach solo cello suites (in a 50's or early 60's pressing) and I have not yet located one that wasn't in mediocre shape.Still looking. I am certai... 
Are Dust Covers a MUST
A Linn dealer (warning warning) once told me that the dust cover blocked vibrations for ambient sound waves and thus helped isolate the cartridge.Sounds counterintuitive to me, always did. 
What is your dream turntable?
You will all think I am nuts, but all I want is a Linn LP12 with a Naim Aro arm and armageddon power supply, and a Lyra Titan on the end of it. I love this combo to death. It just suits my taste.I have the LP 12 with a lingo, and a Rega arm, and L... 
Tinny sound accompanying cello on recordings ?
Hogwood and Savall are staples over here as well! 
Which Record Cleaning Machine?
The industry standard: VPI