
Responses from chashmal

Recommendation for Baroque music lovers
Rameau is seriously under rated in America, as are both Couperins. But the worst is how neglected the English are, such as Gibbons, Tye, Lawes, and Locke. 
Mitch Mitchell RIP
Yeah Deano, that's a great exponent of the old Socratic debate. One man's fantastic percussive accompaniment is another man's wasted potential. I guess we have different opinions and tastes. Yes, I think he blew it and could have been great. Inste... 
Mitch Mitchell RIP
I always thought that he lost it when Hendrix died. Just look at what happened to his career. Like Ginger Baker, wasted potential. 
Sun Ra saturn re-issues
The easiest way to tell the reissue is vinyl quality. The old saturns have a dull non-lustrous finish to the vinyl. Since the covers are exact, yes, it is easy to be fooled over the net. I like the exactly reproduced covers, but I can see how this... 
Larry Coryell at Jazz Showcase in Chicago
ET: your shovel might come in handy, but personally, I like the sword of truth. 
Blues from the 50s/60s/70s
For historical background, check out the work of Samuel Charters. Here is a partial bibliography. 1959 - The Country Blues. New York: Rinehart. Reprinted by Da Capo Press, with a new introduction by the author, in 1975.1963 - The Poetry of the Blu... 
Turntable advise needed - Norway callin'
Many would disagree, But I am a sucker for the classic Linn LP12. The Graham is great on it, as is a Rega or Naim arm. 
Blues from the 50s/60s/70s
I know that the sound is more 'crude' in an audiophile sense, but I think that material from after the mid-sixties is much inferior in an artistic sense, with a few exceptions. Also it would be a shame to overlook the jewels of the pre-war period,... 
Blues from the 50s/60s/70s
You are right Jorsan. I misjudged, and I apologize. And your english is fine.I strongly urge you to divide your search into 2 aspects: pre-war (before 1944) and post-war (after 1944). I think that electric 'urban' blues became a caricature of itse... 
Speakers & the room
Spaz: You have no right to complain with a killer room and rig like that! It looks amazing to me, there must be a solution. My guess is hire an acoustician or get many many audiophile friends to come and give their suggestions.Seriously, a room li... 
What would you upgrade in this system?
Phono stage. Especially with your TT. 
Larry Coryell at Jazz Showcase in Chicago
Maybe I should clarify. Music is born from a complex intersection of influences. Drugs can be very influential in what we end up hearing. I am not against drug use in the making of art. Sometimes it can work out well at stages of a musician's deve... 
Larry Coryell at Jazz Showcase in Chicago
Electroid: 'Judgement' is our friend. Without it we would all be in the dark. It is a tool for discriminative appreciation. If my stance on technically oriented 70's fusion offended you, then write it off to a difference in aesthetic 'tastes' if y... 
The future of my hearing
No one can take your love of music away, even if it is not heard as well as you like. Hearing is not in the ears. It is in the brain. 
audiophile recordings of 12 tone/serialist works
Fool that I am, I just paid an embarassing $75 for the Nonesuch LP of Paul Jacobs playing the Schoenberg piano pieces over the internet. The thing that did it: it was still sealed. It blows the CD away, and I will get many many plays from it, so I...