
Responses from chashmal

MoFi enzyme based cleaner and pure rinse
"It's a darn nutty ritual, isn't it? But feels somewhat virtuous."Words of genius Eweedhome. 
Is It Worth $28 Million?
Pretty difficult to say whether or not it is 99% CRAP or not!!!!!!!Methinks the odds be agin' it. 
MoFi enzyme based cleaner and pure rinse
Yes Eweedhorme, I have heard this too. The enzyme based cleaner and pure rinse were supposed to be a departure from all this. That was what had disappointed me, and it doesn't really work all that better than the cheap VPI stuff. 
What's the Best LP You Bought in 2008
The Columbia (6 eye) box set of the complete works of Anton Webern from the late 50's (I think). 
MoFi enzyme based cleaner and pure rinse
It occurred to me that enzymes might do nothing for certain molecules, even though they might be great for things like mold. Maybe someone has a rec for a step between the enzyme and the rinse?I have read that MoFi's older products like the 'deep ... 
recommend excellent cassette for playback only?
Lloydc: I still have my two old 6300's, but they are out of comission due to a burned out capistan (I think). To tell you the truth it has been so long that I have forgoten what goes wrong on those things. They are just gathering dust. The same th... 
recommend excellent cassette for playback only?
I have always thought that the old NAD 6300 was as good or better than the Dragon. It is essentially a Tandberg deck with an NAD cover. I had 2, in addition to a Dragon, back in the old days. I absolutely loved them. 
What is the one CD you can't find?
Illhan Mimoroglu and Freddie Hubbard "Sing me a song of Songmy" 
Coleman Hawkins
This MUST be a Phil Schapp production! He is the best jazz scholar I have ever come across. He has given me a great education for which I am very thankful.The other DJ's take their cues from him, as he organizes these BDAY festivals. They are freq... 
Best bargain find ever ?
The best bargain ever was the SOTA TT circa 1985 that I sold (like an IDIOT) for $150. You didn't say I had to be the recipient! 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
You are right Sns, but I recommend Linn anyway :) 
Great eclectic type and rare music store
Manny and Bruce have been around for about 18 years or so. They are the best. Last of a dying breed. I love the place. Really the last of its type.SUPPORT THEM! 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
People are suggesting modding an old Garrard or Thorens? They must be crazy. The man said 'newbie'.I would go low maintanance, which for a TT is difficult. However it is a matter of degree. Maybe pay a Linn dealer to set up a nice LP 12 for you. T... 
good music/poor recording, bad music excellent
Yes, bad music is unacceptable even if it is sonically amazing. It reminds me of a story I once heard about the most sorry-assed audiophile who loved an LP of train sounds. He said it was a great recording. I bet it was. An idiot. I hope he was ha... 
Mitch Mitchell RIP
OK, I was being 'ironic', and it fell flat as a joke. Obviously Ginger Baker is one of the only drummers of his type (of a 60's psychedelic power trio) to go forth and become an interesting musician. Mitch Mitchell was a case of wasted potential, ...