
Responses from chadeffect

Audioquest Comet input?
Hi Dynguy,I have tried the AQ comet SC. it is a very good cable. Excellent detail, articulate with great speed. The DBS seems to keep focus. When I tried other cables I know next to the DBS system cables, I always found them sounding fuzzy to begi... 
Hi tom,Maybe there are many reasons why one file sounds different on system than another.I like to think I have a reasonable set up. The only differences I have heard between the same file is in the conversion. I.e coverting from 44.1 to 48k etc. ... 
There is no difference other than metadata. If anyone thinks there is, they need to get a life or better gear! 
Importance of computer for DAC shootout
As important would be to make sure the computer is ona different power circuit to the rest of the hifi. Keep it isolated so you don't add noise. 
Variations in how your system sounds?
I used to have this problem. After much frustration & tweaking,I think that power regeneration & fairly regular demagnetising (demag via power supply) solved this. 
Interconnect Help
Try cleaning all your systems contacts with deoxit (cables/binding posts/IECs/fuses).Then let the system settle for an hour & see if that helps. If it does not help, then look into a new cable type. You may be lucky. 
Why does mixing quality'n'crap sound so good?
Stone the crows cock. I nearly dropped my bangers & mash.I must admit I have found the same with my newly installed HT system. The average but fully featured Pioneer AV receiver & blue ray player into fairly expensive B&W speakers/subs... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
If you took this threads advice you would need a huge housewhich would be full of amps!But to add to the list the Yamamoto A08s with EML 45 mesh tubes.(if your speakers are sensitive enough). 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
My usual listening daytime level on the AG Trio at around 4.5m, peaks around 90db. Effortless with 1.5 watts. My Apogees at that level were great too, but with 1,000 watt/channel amps and dual active subs...The Apogees even with the wonderful new ... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Atmasphere,am I right in saying that due to this impedance curve on the trio they designed the CDC? I was under the impression this made it tube friendly 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Atmasphere,I am glad there are people like you in the world. Clear and to the point. 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
To try and put this damping factor in context for this thread, I had a very high damping factor amp (<1000) and popped in an SET with very low damping factor on the AG.On the AG Trio, like most AGs, which use active subs driven at speaker level... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Hi Inna,I have tried the Trio with various Audio Note amps. I did like the Audio note on the Trio, but it was a slightly old fashioned sound but very musical, especially with the 300b monos. I just not a 300b lover.I have not tried the Lamm on the... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
This has started to get a little daft.Weseixas,if your comment was aimed at me regarding Bel canto I would be glad to explain. Before the AG Trio I had all sorts of planars. Magnepan 3.6r Apogee Duetta Sigs & Divas, ML CLS, Quad ESL to name a ... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Unsound,I will gladly help you. I am sure there are some horns that suck or blow as you put it. But there are also great horns.I have yet to hear a speaker better than the AG Trio. Like any speaker there are set up issues(placement/amplification e...