
Responses from chadeffect

What has surprised you fidelity wise?
Carazon,The original star trek as was all remastered & cleaned up about 4 years ago. It was all originally done on proper film too so the quality was vvery high anyway. Obviously once they removed all the tape hiss etc it all sounds great.I sa... 
vibration control
Vibration is the main reason why time travel is impossible at the moment.We are waiting for someone to invent a decent method of vibration control or isolation before we can go any further. Very frustrating as we are so close to perfecting the tec... 
Have digital players improved
Yes. Is the short answer. The ones I have tried are more natural, focused & cleaner than earlier versions. Not forgetting the ability to play higher sample rates. 
Martin logan CLS II Vs Magnepan 1.7
I am with Nsgarch here. You would be wise to listen to him. I love magnepan. But the Cls2z with the right sub & equipment is very hard to beat. With powerful ARC amps heaven. 
Amarra 2.3.2 vs Puremusic 1.82 playback software
Jtwrace,What do you prefer in PM? Which version of Amarra did you try? 
Mods for Avantgarde speakers
Hi guys,I still haven't managed to go pick up the box of tricks yet. I got bogged down in Xmas/work/family commitments.I just wanted to add that the RP1 room correction which is a later & reworked version of the Tact worked well in my old set ... 
What component is responsible for dynamics ?
Hi unsound,You seem to be fixated on volume & square wave. I have had many an electrostat & planar. Quads,Apogees,ML, Magnepans & I loved them.I can assure you that either you have been very unlucky with the horns you have heard, or yo... 
What component is responsible for dynamics ?
Hi unsound,You must have listened to some really old crap if you feel noise is an issue with high sensitivity.I have tried numerous bits of kit on my 110db speakers & I have never heard a modern amp or whatever create any noise.Funny you shoul... 
William Z Johnson RIP
His equipment brought me great happiness. RIP Mr Johnson. Heaven now has a wide soundstage. 
What component is responsible for dynamics ?
charlesdad1,I understand.If we are going down this road & i am forced to say something then high sensitivity speakers, probably horn loaded (over 100db/w), with the appropriate amp. Probably a 0 feedback amp with low damping factor is the easi... 
Mods for Avantgarde speakers
Duomike,My understanding is this correction device is very clever & flexible. Not only can it split the signal 8 ways & send to its various analogue or digital outs, but what is useful in this situation is it can also do all the splits for... 
What component is responsible for dynamics ?
Tbg,That's because the answer is all of it. Each part in the chaincontributes to the sound. Or in this case the dynamics.It is a silly question that's why so many silly answers/non answers. 
Can best optical player rival best computer source
No. Not anymore 
Amarra 2.3.2 vs Puremusic 1.82 playback software
So it would seem Amarra 2.3 is getting the thumbs up over Puremusic 1.82 so far.How are you using Amarra? In memory as a stand alone or from iTunes. 
Mods for Avantgarde speakers
Hi Duomike,the inserting of this room correction box should be ok. It's all in the digital domain & still using my existing DAC as an interface/volume control & all clocked too. It's the best one could do. All the cabling is top notch. So ...