
Responses from chadeffect

D class amps with Soundlab speakers
You may find the class D will strip some harmonic texture compared to a tube, & there can be a "cheapness" in the treble which can be addressed somewhat. But if you have some tone control on you xovers like the big Soundlabs, you may be able t... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Mrtennis it looks like you do believe in magic then! 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
The more you speak on this subject Pettyofficer the more I wonder if 1 you are joking?2 you are a lillte mad?There is nothing to "design around". Things are always developing. It sounds like you should do a little research. I don't see how any OS ... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Hi Pettyofficer,Sorry if we keep crossing answers. I think there is a delay between our posts appearing.I copied my response below to this thread because we are crossing a couple of threads now.Any Hifi system will have variable results. Computer ... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Pettyofficer,any Hifi system will have variable results. Computer based or not. My understanding of your complaint is shifting slightly now over a couple of different threads.I think your complaint still is about set up. But it's about which versi... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer,Are you suggesting that downloading a music file to your computer is being effected by your operating system?Do you feel it is being corrupted somehow? I must admit I am struggling to see your point now. 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Hi pettyofficer,The main reason there aren't more computers designed for music is there is no need. There are some laptops that are said to be for music, but they are only an attempt to have a built in sound card & reasonable ins & outs on... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer, I am a little shocked that you feel a computer cannot send a music file perfectly to a DAC. Its a tiny insignificant task in the scheme of things. Surely the DAC has been specifically designed to convert audio? A computer has been sp... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer,All Hifi systems suffer the issues you mention. This preamp with that power amp, that power amp with those speakers etc etc.As with all decent systems you have to make some effort to get it to sing. This takes experience & knowled... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Personally I'm glad Pettyofficer can post his opinions & share ideas here. Many died & suffered for us to have free speech. Let's not forget that.The problems start when no one listens to each others points & ignores the experiences of... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
I have no idea why pettyofficer keeps on about the format?The file is the format. If the file is copied from the "master" it is the same whether it's a flac,aiff,wav.I think your gripe is about hardware. But thats just as it has always been. it's ... 
KEF R 105/3
How are you bi amping? Vertical or horizontal? Are you using the same amps? What are they?It's a very long time since I had a pair, but I seem to remember not really needing the eq. It will be room dependent. Just make sure the bass isn't boomy or... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Avantgarde Trio is a truely great speaker. Followed by Apogee Duetta sigs and Diva, magnepan mg20 and 3.6r.I have a fond memory of the Quad 57, and a properly set up ML CLSiiz. Organ music on the TDL studio monitor. 
kef 104.2 vs 105.2/105.3?
Hi Steve,I had the KEF 107 & 105/3 many years ago. I do remember there was a wiry element to the tweeter. I suspect some of it was the equipment I used at the time (1980s). They did need power.I had some caps in the crossover of the 105 split ... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Tomcy6,that is probably true for a generation, but remember there are generations now who have never heard vinyl. I have a friend who's son stayed with his brother (a vinyl nut) & came back saying he had all these big black CDs!Very soon DACs ...