
Responses from chadeffect

Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Tomcy6,You seem to be forgetting that the musicians in the studio are hearing the output from a computer. I know of few people who still record totally in the analogue domain. Trust me as that is my profession.Also my point is that the rest of the... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Hi Pettyofficer,I understand your point. It can be confusing out there. My experience is that you have to do the basics 1st with computer audio. Obviously crap in crap out.So choose your format. Let's forget MP3s. Let's forget lossy data compressi... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
I find it shocking how many dinosaurs there are still going on about vinyl & CD transports/players. It's over. The finest sound I have ever had is via a server via FireWire into modern DAC. Zero jitter is the key & attention to detail in y... 
Tannoy Prestige line: Westminister and down
Dalecrommie,I think it means to find something that captures the expression of the music. The meaning or point of the music, rather than how clear the hi hat sounds. 
Amarra 2.3.2 vs Puremusic 1.82 playback software
PLEASE AUDIOGON, stop messing up the site. Whatever you are doing it is rubbish. Go back to the old site. 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Pettyofficer,I think you are wrong. The file type is irrelevant. MP3s are a tired format now. It costs no more or less to have 1 file type over another unless size is an issue. Theses days memory is cheap so not a big deal.As for the gear it's sel... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Hi Charlesdad,I don't wish to labor the point, but as soon as you havean iPad as your controller for your library you will find getting up to flick through CDs crude & slow. No matter how well organised you may be.It's just one of those things... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Charlesdad,I pretty much agree with you. But the most important factor which you have not probably experienced yet is via a computer set up, especially if controlled via an iPad, brings a whole different aspect to your listening sessions.With the ... 
Amarra 2.3.2 vs Puremusic 1.82 playback software
Istanbulu,I tried Fedelia & found it sounded good. Not that different to Amarra. I just can't stand the interface. I like using iTunes as an interface. Not a fan of a list. 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
I think a lot of you guys need to buy better gear. If you feel a good hard drive based system sounds worse than any other makes wonder about the sanity of many audiophiles here.I understand that some systems sound better than others. In that case ... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Pettyofficer,It's called market forces. Why on earth would anyone want to carry records, tapes, CDs etc anymore? The freedom to have your music with you where ever you go is wonderful.Any sonic issues are only about the choice of equipment. The fi... 
Anyone tested the Synergistic Research Vibratron ?
Yes. Waste of money. 
Pass 250.5 shuts down driving Magnepan 3.7
I had a problem at high volume using tube ARC monos.I think the amp is seeing something it doesn't like impedance wise.Are the bass panels rattling at these volumes? Are you playing very dynamic music? Things with sudden big bass hits? 
Mods for Avantgarde speakers
Hi Face,thanks. It had Mundorfs in before which i suspect are in the ball park of the V-caps in a slightly hyped sound. I'll probably be shot for saying that, but hopefully you understand my point?I like the Mundorf silver/oil & the silver/ go... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Bryon,It isn't magic, all you did was put some shielding around your Pre. If you found an improvement, it just shows how badly designed your Pre is. Surely the designer should have made some effort to shield noisy or sensitive components?My experi...