
Responses from chadeffect

Maggies MGII's - Questions, thoughts
If I were you I would look at up dating the crossover with better parts. The Maggie will transform in all areas. You find greater resolution, width and much deeper bass.I have had many magnepans over the years and each one including the 3.6r was a... 
A major disconnect between the audiophile magazine
My feeling is that new equipment can be expensive,but in technical terms/ and function better on the whole if you stick with new equipment throughout the system. Maybe TTs are different. The digital world is so much better than the old days. I lik... 
dcs Purcell upsampler/Delius DAC interface
To be able to help I need more information.How are you getting digital from the imac to the upsampler? Are you using optical? What are you using as a master clock and how do you have your DAC set ie slave sync etc? 
Why not horns?
Atmasphere,I could not have put it better myself. I spent many years with magnepans, apogees etc. So I hope you understand that I could never have a colored speaker. Especially with the "honk" people keep mentioning.I now have 110db horns and coul... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Hi Murataltuev,Filter 1 is what I use. Some people like Filter 2. Obviously I need to try the GTE. I must 1st decide on an amp! 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Hi murataltuev,I mainly use Hifi tuning fuses. Although I do have some furutech. I am amazed you find the highs in the DCS are soft. Of all the digital I have heard DCS has always had great impact in the highs Not hard or bright but vivid.Did you ... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Hi murataltuev,I approached these things too although with different products to you. I use the PS audio PPP regenerator which is powered from its own circuit and wired with VD power cables (I hear the Purepower is very good). I have a few differe... 
Why not horns?
Personally I have tried most types of speaker, boxes, electrostatics, ribbons and so on. I now have horns and wonder how I ever listened to some of the other speakers for so long? Horns done well have no "honky" sound. They can be as transparent a... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Hi murataluev,I am only confused because the noise floor is so much higher with your TT when compared even to modest digital sources. Of course I know the pain in making it musical.My understanding of dynamics is volume contrast and tracking this ... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Hi murataltuev,I am very interested in you finding your vinyl set up to be more dynamic than your digital rig. I too have scarlatti and other DCS digital. It has been a longtime since I have had my own TT (I got lazy), although some of my audiophi... 
amarra or pure music..?
In my set up Pure music sounded slightly wider, but on wide recordings it started to sound a little odd. For me Amarra in the playlist mode works best over most material.Both bits of software sound good though. I prefer the look of Amarra as Pure ... 
AKG K702 vs AKG K701
They are the same. The K702 has a removable wire and is in black. It is aimed at the pro world and is just more rugged. 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
All I can add is the Scarlatti is one of the finest DACs I have ever heard. All the thoughts on harsh or soft or whatever are about your system or whichever system you are used too.My time with it has only made me respect it more. At these lofty h... 
High Efficiency Speakers Your top 3 or more
Has anyone mentioned Zu speakers yet? The ones I have heard have sounded good and I believe around 101 db/watt. The Essence was cheap and sounded good on Atamasphere amps.As Mapman alluded to these can play modern music without strain too amp perm... 
High Efficiency Speakers Your top 3 or more
Is there an generally understood start line for the handle of high efficiency in db/w?I am seeing some speaker systems under "high sensitivity" that are not that sensitive to my understanding of it Say 93/94 db/watt. The highest I have ever seen i...