
Responses from chadeffect

Why do planars have poor bass extension?
You need to hear some Apogees driven well. No bass problems there... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Pettyofficer,"Not so fast, Chadeffect. You still need an additional DACto convert 16/44, 24/44, 24/48, 24/88, 24/96, 24/176,24/192, 24/196, and we all know 32 bit Music Files..."No you dont need an additional DAC. All DACs will do pretty much all ... 
Avantgarde or Tonian?
As the equipment gets better we face an even more tricky balancing act between life & sterility in playback. Years ago the equipment itself coloured so much as to change the original recording.Now ultra low distortion & noise floors now re... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Pettyofficer,You have inadvertently made my point for me. I am trying to get you to understand that today, unlike before, the hardware is irrelevant to you being able to play the software. Can you see that a computer no matter how old will always ... 
MacBook Pro to EMM XDS1
The Weiss INT202 is excellent but expensive. The best interface I have used so far. 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Petttyofficer,You say you listened, but it is obvious from you're last answer you have not. You are just repeating some paranoid idea you have that computers will kill off high quality audio or other quality formats. Please show me the evidence. N... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Pettyofficer,The recording is what's important. The sample rate is a bonus. You will always be able to play or convert to what you need. I doubt you will be crying too much if you had to down sample a 374k to a 192k file until you save up for what... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Pettyofficer,Surely you know why MP3s exist? Remember Flac/aiff/wav? Have you forgotten these files are capable of way above CD quality? This is the point. Choice. You choose. If you want audiophile you can have it. If you want to fit as many song... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Yes the Weiss Medea plus. Fabulous especially if you use a computer as a "transport". 
45 tube types
Don't waste your time with all that old crap. Just get EML 45 tubes. The mesh Plate is sublime. 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Ok so not quite my last word on the subject! Thank you Pettyofficer,Nothing is making audio irrelivant especially not me. You have been given choice these days to have everything in 1 place. Easy to control & use.There is nothing to suggest a ... 
Mach2Music mini and Amarra : Huge disappointment
Petty,my last words on the subject...A fluid format is good. It is developing & while it is developing, it still is MORE capable than any other format so far. You do not need to do anything once you have SET UP your computer system of choice. ... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer,You need to buy a mac for your computer audio. Sounds like you need help to set a PC up. PCs can be a pain. ASIO is there because a computer is an open ended machine. You tell it what you need it to do & then in most cases it does... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Hi Mrtennis,If that is really true where does that leave science? If we cannot trust our perception how do we observe? So then we are left with magic. 
B&W 802 S3 or PSB Platinum T6 Mastering Engineer
The 802d I know well & have worked with them many times for tracking & mixing. The question should also include which amps you intend to drive them with?The 802d do need power. Best I have heard them with in a studio enviroment is biamped ...