
Responses from chadeffect

Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
PO,I think what you need to understand is we are on the sharp edge of this technology. 32bit 64 bit whatever.How do you expect to get true DXD when no one is fully recording with it?As you have seen many of these DSD and DXD recordings are only ma... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
PO,Regarding DSD and DXD in recording studios as a format the jury is still out. I think the ability to manipulate that amount of data has many technical problems today. Many manufactures do not support it (hense my above post) and have no immedia... 
The finest Cable Elevators you ever auditioned?
Audiofeil is right about cable escalators, but have you tried stepped elevation? 
The finest Cable Elevators you ever auditioned?
Syntax,You would have to ware a patch over one eye, have a parrot on the other shoulder, carry a treasure map, and say aaarrrrggg before each listening session. I wonder if the peg leg would effect the bass? 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Hi PO,for the first time so far I think I understand you.Archiving historic tapes is one thing with DSD or even DXD. But no one is using it today to record with. I Know of pyramix as one of the only DXD workstations. Try finding a studio that uses... 
The finest Cable Elevators you ever auditioned?
The auditioning of cable elevators and de-elevators in isolation (pardon the pun) is really only half the story. The effects of elevation on most cables which are not designed to be levitated, tend to have their frequency response altered. There i... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
PO,I must protest! Distortions indeed.Just so you know I spend most of my time in various recording studios. Some high and mighty and some not so high and mighty. I think you may underestimate some of the members here and what they do for a living... 
The finest Cable Elevators you ever auditioned?
I have spent the last 8 years doing extensive listening tests on various cable elevator and de-elevator systems. Many friends loved to come over to do blind listening tests.We noted the effects on directionality, material, material density, elevat... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
PO,In answer to "not a word in your response to music sampling rate of these files".There seems to be little point in going into detail with you as you never seem to grasp the basics. In good faith I shall try again...Most studio hardware is capab... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Hi Tpreaves,I'm a sucker for punishment. 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
PO,What you don't seem to be understanding is these high Rez formats you keep mentioning are all made from a file (I.e WAV or AIFF). That file IS the file you are downloading. It IS the master from the recording studio.So get it into your head tha... 
Audiogon's most knowledgeable PC Audio gurus?
You may be laughing at the thought of Pettyofficer as a computer audio guru, BUT he has just returned from Apple training. Oh yes. Now he is all knowing.In the end he became a high definition downloadable format. 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
PO I have no idea what you are talking about? You download at CD quality or whichever is the highest quality available. Surely you understand that?Now if you want to take your music with you in the car or whatever, as you import your library or fa... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Oh dear PO,Double speak? Keeping up with this thread? Let's start again.Double speak: surely we have done the conversation about format. You can listen to any "format" you wish. You will always have them. Computer audio can be any resolution you w... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Off on this one again PO? Move on. No one is replacing other formats.We have just reached a point where more people have computers or computer based entertainment than the old methods of music playback. That's all. It's a natural progression.