

Responses from cal3713

Rectifier Tubes
Thanks for the information everyone. 
A problem with AC Power you may not have considered.
I'm also interested in impressions of the equitch solution. I've been trying to decide between them, Furman, and ps audio myself. Glad to see some discussion of mechanism in here. There's so much snake oil around. 
Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?
@charles1dad Thanks Charles... I was referring to the capacitors in the Franks. I haven't changed the ones in the PREs... not actually sure what's in there because they're wrapped with a thick coincident branded heat shrink. 
Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?
@charles1dad I started listening to it at 36h and just got to 48 last night. Could still hear the sound smoothing out throughout the day. Wasn't able to do an a/b, but so far I'd say it sounds good.... not crazy better than direct though. I'm also... 
Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?
@charles1dad Also, not sure why my experience was so different from others with the Lyngdorf, but I didn't feel that I lost much switching from it to the PS Audio PWD (both used exclusively as source selection/volume control feeding my Franks).  T... 
Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?
@charles1dad  No pre-amp right now... just going direct from my PS Audio PW Dac.  Really looking forward to not throwing away resolution at under 50% volume (which is all low-volume listening). And thanks for the break-in suggestions... I'll put i... 
Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?
Just got mine and can't wait to finally set it up and listen this weekend.  And glad to see that more 300b folks are using it (perhaps not surprising given some of the people extolling its virtues)... 
Line Magnetic 110Volt vs 220Volt
If you're buying new, the huge US markup should get you dealer support and warranty service that might be lost with the cheaper Asia version. Quite a markup to get that though... At some point I looked heavily at some of the non-US sites, but even... 
If you could only keep 5 record albums, what would they be?
Great thread.  Commenting to add it to my list.  Can't wait to hear some new albums. 
OTL Tube Amps and Full Range Electrostatic Speakers
Some more OTLs that have been popular recently... (I haven't heard them)https://www.lineartubeaudio.com/new-page-1/ 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
@essrand Your impressions aligned with mine... (w the 3400 and coincident PREs) 
Time for a Pre change? Need the wisdom...
I agree with @treebeard1.  I use the duelund, made my own pair and it was super easy and a great investment.  For some details see this link (with more links included).  A number of threads around here to...http://www.hifihaven.org/index.php?threa... 
Bypass capacitor position?
Thanks for the input everyone. I went with the tinned copper cast option. Figured I might as well match the speaker cables... And just a step more expensive than the straight coopers. Not eye watering like the silvers.@grannyring I read on one rev... 
Bypass capacitor position?
Everything is mirrored, but you’ll notice that the yellow REL-caps are in the same position (i.e., both next to the leftmost power supply capacitor)... sorry, I should have been clearer about what capacitor I was talking about.I put in the Duelund... 
Advent loudspeakers
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