

Responses from cal3713

Lyngdorf Customer Service
I had my volume control go out (bought a new unit from an individual seller on usamart) and they were quick to respond and offer to cover shipping costs back to the factory for repair. Fortunately a software reset fixed the problem, but they still... 
New Gallo Strata's sound like tin-cans: break-in time problem?
Agree with all that said the speakers appear to be non-functional. Would love to hear the final update, please do post. 
T-amp Experience Anyone ?
@begs any brands to share? 
Isoacoustics Gaia Speaker Footers
@grannyring I think the word used by the person who bought mine was transformative... A quality product for sure. 
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
Appreciate the input folks...  
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
Was looking through my old threads and noticed I had never updated this one. I lived with the truth for about 3 weeks. Unfortunately I didn't end up finding that it made much of a difference from my direct connection and I ended up sending it back... 
Sell your $$$ cables and conditioners... affordable LITHIUM is here!
And what are the distortion specs on the unit? 
Relaxed, musical DAC around 2k used?
I still use a ps audio perfect wave DAC (mk 2) and really like it. It's smooth and natural and goes for way under your budget. I do think the bridge2 is a necessary upgrade, as that source sounds much better than all other possibilities. I tried a... 
Bit the Bullet ... Don Sachs Model 2 Preamp
Looking forward to the next update. This pre is on my list too... 
Isoacoustics Gaia Speaker Footers
@richfern pm sent. 
Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?
@exdmd I actually ended up returning my truth preamp. After a few weeks of trying different inputs and I went back to my source driving the amps directly and ended up liking it better. In the end, I decided the money was better spent elsewhere. Ed... 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
@beetlemania  You should note that I did pair Duelund bypass caps (Ag .01uF) with the clarity caps in my PREs and didn't like what they did to the sound.  They added a little color, but also added some distortion and phasiness.  I also tried addin... 
Recommendations on stuff to look at for upgrading a 300B SET amp
@jbhiller Any updates on your audition of the LM amps? 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
@erik_squires I remember reading on humblehifi that the clarity cap was neutral and "ruler flat". I thought that was pretty descriptive. It was clean, but I lost some warmth and color compared to the original solens. The Jupiters brought that back... 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
@brownsfan  etc.  Finally got the Jupiters into my system this week (after burning in for 100-150 hours).  They were so big that I had to run a wire from the tweeter out of the rear port on the PRE's head units and fashion an external crossover, b...