

Responses from cal3713

Sell your $$$ cables and conditioners... affordable LITHIUM is here!
@atmasphere I was looking on the goal zero site and saw the following answer to a question about THD (probably from someone on this site):  "Thanks for reaching out to Goal Zero! In the specs for the inverter, it is listed as a max of 5% Total Har... 
I’m going thru McIntosh he!!
I like how the second "authorized" SS said they probably couldn't fix the unit, but would take it on trade in.  You know they turned that thing around and made more money on it than they gave you.   
Sell your $$$ cables and conditioners... affordable LITHIUM is here!
It appears the unit has a temperature sensor. Any way to safely take the case off so it has more room to breathe? Presumably that would reduce the time the fan was on... 
Sell your $$$ cables and conditioners... affordable LITHIUM is here!
Also, the 1000 is up on Amazon for $715. 
Sell your $$$ cables and conditioners... affordable LITHIUM is here!
Commenting so that I can find this thread easily in the future.  Please do post more opinions/reviews folks... 
Latest Psvane WE300B-Plus Tubes - Any Feedback?
Agreed. Please post if you hear either one of the discussed models... 
Recommended sources for tubes
I stream tidal using an Android tablet (with bubbleupnp) to a ps audio perfectwave dac (w bridge ii to keep a full computer out of the system). Coincident 300bs and the PREs. It's convenient and sounds great. 
Reasonable RCA Connectors?
Well, if it is a cabal and everyone is in cahoots with PartsConnextion, it worked.  The top end KLEI absolute harmonys were on sale, a set of 4 for $87.  Put in the order tonight.  Thanks for all the suggestions.   
Reasonable RCA Connectors?
@elizabeth Any thread where people try to help each other without berating others' opinions is a success in my book.  I don't get any sense that the various KLE pushers in the thread are in cahoots... 
Latest Psvane WE300B-Plus Tubes - Any Feedback?
@facten Direct from Western Electric... $1499/pair, pre-orders starting 01/11/19:http://www.westernelectric.com/products/300b.html  
Latest Psvane WE300B-Plus Tubes - Any Feedback?
I just got the original WE300b a couple weeks ago and absolutely love them (in Coincident Frankensteins).  Just beautiful music out of them.  Please do post about the ACMEs... I'd love to hear the update.   
Higher Efficiency Speakers
I'm intrigued by those Pure Audio Project sets.  Even that big Quintet with 4 15" woofers is under $10k... and decent at 96db sensitivity. 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
Talked me into it Erik.  Also gives me a chance to play some more in the future if I decide to buy some Jupiters or Duelunds. 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
Not so much worried about the capacitors as the accutons... they have such tiny little tabs, so little room for heatsinks. 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
Ha.  I added them to my cart but didn't buy yet.  Very torn about the process.  I suppose experimenting isn't too bad, especially at $55 a cap for the CMRs.  I just worry that I'll fry my tweeters if I play around too much.  Would much rather sold...