

Responses from cal3713

Recommendation for input coupling caps
@itsikhefez  If they fit, I have some Duelund .47uf tinned copper CAST capacitors I can sell you.  I tried them in my Coincident Frankenstein 300b amplifiers and they sounded great, but reduced the bass from the stock Solens.  Because I'm driving... 
Lyngdorf TDAI 3400 Bluetooth Question
I used to have a unit and had trouble connecting too. At the time (about 9 months ago), I emailed support and they said it was a problem with the software and would be addressed in a future update. Perhaps that issue still hasn't been addressed... 
Rebuilding elgar 6000b conditioner?
@atmasphere Much thanks... 
Elgar Line Conditioners
@bigamp any updates on where you've gone with the power conditioning since last spring? 
The best coupling caps in power amp ?? Mundorf, Infinicap ??
Thanks Ralph. 
Recommendations on stuff to look at for upgrading a 300B SET amp
@jbhiller I'd love to hear how that sounds in comparison if you ever take the plunge... Hope someone else weighs in too. 
The best coupling caps in power amp ?? Mundorf, Infinicap ??
Any thoughts about the bass response of the vcaps vs duelunds? I replaced the solen coupling capacitors in my Coincident Franks and eventually (about 200 hours in) went back to the solens because I'd lost significant bass. The duelunds are tinned ... 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
@erik_squires Thanks for the suggestion on the Audyns Erik.  Depending on how the Jupiters work out, I may give them a shot.  My only hesitation is that I didn't have the problem of hearing "nothing" upon adding the lower value bypass... (see abov... 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
@alexberger  Yeah, everything's got about 150-200 on it.  I'm open to bypassing, but do wonder whether I will always hear some smearing.  There's just that one capacitor between the amps and my accutons... introducing two paths of different length... 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
And to go back to the thread... regarding the capacitors, I did decide to remove the Duelund bypass caps (.01uF AG) last night. They seemed to improve the tonality of the Clarity cap (a bit "richer" high frequencies), but I was also hearing some s... 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
@d2girls Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to be around too many high end systems that might compete with the Coincident PREs (previous speakers were Thiel 1.6s, 2.4s, and Coicident Super Eclipse IIIs).  As they should be, the PREs are in a d... 
Pass labs xa25 amp and BW 804 d3?
@jetter Perhaps it's not quite as good of a deal, but for shipping only RenoHIFI will let you demo the XA25 for 10 days. A nice risk free way to hear the amp.  That's what I did. 
Pass labs xa25 amp and BW 804 d3?
Completed my demo of the xa-25 a week ago. It was a great amp. Smooth and warm (warmer than my Coincident Franks) and really nice bass performance. In the end I did decide to stick with the 300bs however. They were a bit more "real" and holographi... 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
Just an update. I did install the clarity cap cmr with a silver duelund bypass. A really nice improvement from the stock solens (Israel actually claims that stock is mundorf)... Much smoother and cleaner. I also found some Jupiters and will try th... 
Used Atma-Sphere M60-MK111 Tube Amplifiers