

Responses from cal3713

Atma-Sphere in CO?
@atmasphere Also, if I'm reading your post correctly, that means that my RCA 6SN7GT VT-231s won't actually work in the amp.  Right?  I don't think I actually have any GTA or Bs, unfortunately. 
Atma-Sphere in CO?
@atmasphere Thanks so much for the information Ralph.  Given that the amps were local and came with a 45-day return period, I didn't even investigate what version of Mk3s they were.  Definitely the more recent wide chassis version though.  @browns... 
Atma-Sphere in CO?
@atmasphere Thanks so much Ralph.  Given the proximity (on my daily commute route) and 45 day trial period, I honestly just bought the amps without even finding out which version they are.  And now they've got the ad down, so I can't check.  My vi... 
Atma-Sphere in CO?
@brownsfan btw, any word on which of those 6SN7s are most critical?  I think I have enough pairs of decent ones to replace the stock drivers, but only one pair of those smoked glass RCAs. 
Atma-Sphere in CO?
@tomic601 Thanks for the heads up. I sent an e-mail yesterday and just got my invoice today. Can’t go wrong with a 45-day 100% refund trial period. Very curious to hear how they compare. And @brownsfan I do happen to have a pair of old smoked glas... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
@charles1dad   Hi Charles, I still have my Coincident PREs... I just came to the conclusion that they prefer tubes (at least up top for the tweeter & midrange).  Perhaps not surprising given that Isreal doesn't make any SS amps.  I tried bi-am... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
I put my 3400 up for sale (along with my Coincident SEIIIs) if anyone is interested...  
Amp for Coincident Super Eclipse
I loved these speakers so much that I upgraded to Coincident's PREs.  My old SEIIIs are now up for sale.  Previously owned by professional reviewer Sue Kraft (TAS, TAB) who upgraded the crossovers.  Happy to take questions off-thread if anyone is ... 
Atma-Sphere in CO?
@tomic601 Great news.  Thanks. 
Atma-Sphere in CO?
That's good to hear Ralph, thanks. 
Atma-Sphere in CO?
@brownsfan Thanks so much for the information... super useful.  Will probably also demo a Pass XA-25, that's at least easy to get in the room for a 30 day demo and I'd love to be able to just leave the stereo on all day without concern for tube life. 
Integrated amp + DAC + room correction all-in-one for Nola Boxer 1 + REL R328 sub
True. Only usb or standard digital inputs on the 2170. 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
@essrand I'm very curious too.  Although to be fair, I already know that the Franks don't provide enough gas for the coincident pres. I will most definitely, however, try a bi-amp configuration with the Franks driving the head units and the Lyngdo... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
I'll actually be curious whether wifi ends up having better signal quality. I know some manufacturers are recommending putting a network switch with a linear power supply and a special grounding wire in front of the last Ethernet that goes into an... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
@uberwaltz Yes, I've got it hardwired (although it can also connect via wifi) and have been exclusively using the upnp input. I stream tidal using bubbleupnp via my phone and an Android tablet. So far, everything has worked perfectly. It automatic...