

Responses from cal3713

Buying a DAC when you can't try it first
Ha. And now onto step two!  I have an audio mirror and love it... 
Streamers sans DAC?
DC's Network BridgeAqua Hifi LinQMagna Mano UltraPlayback Designs Stream-IFAurrender Taiko Audio SGM Extreme etc., etc.Budget and desired connection/interface would get you more targeted suggestions. 
Best 300B SET
Zombie thread alert 
What is the best audiophile speaker for a tiny square room?
Easy to drive full range single drivers maybe? Would be a big change of pace and allow you to explore almost any amplifier while retaining coherency and keeping you in a crossoverless paradigm. Rave reviews all around for these: https://forum.audi... 
Lumin T2 or Matrix Audio Element X
I think the question really is just do you like your current dac or do you want to change? If you like what you're getting with the matrix why not stay with them.The fact that you're asking the question suggests that you do want to hear something ... 
Pass XA 25 or Bryston 3B3?
Have you asked Joseph Audio which they think would work better?  
Supratek Owners Thread
@wig Good to hear yet another pro-dht comment from a pair of trusted ears. Everything I've read has been very positive. My amplifiers (first watt f4s) are a simple circuit and only provide current gain and are therefore more influenced by the prea... 
Supratek Owners Thread
Congrats @tvad, looking forward to hearing the reports. I just ordered a custom dht linestage from Radu Torta (shiny eyes/simplepleasuretubeamps) based on the eml 20a mesh tube and this circuit... https://www.bartola.co.uk/valves/2018/03/25/eml-20... 
Holo Audio May DAC
Unfortunately it looks like kitsune has discontinued the home demo/trial offer. I emailed them and was told it's no longer feasible. A shame, tough to buy unheard... 
Pass XA 25 or Bryston 3B3?
@boomerbillione As pointed out above, your statement about Pass Labs amplifiers is simply not true. Not only does the xa25 double output power from 8 to 4 ohms, but so does *every other amp they make*.There are a few First Watt products that put o... 
Pass XA 25 or Bryston 3B3?
12A continuous?? Wow. 
Holo Audio May DAC
Thanks George.  I was just reading about the Directstream and the designer was discussing how they paid special attention to phase preservation, so perhaps that's not the source of my issue.  Perhaps it is just as simple as being bit-perfect (alth... 
Best tube preamplifier for under $15k
I haven't tried enough to declare any best, but I will concur with those above who vote for the Don Sach's 6sn7 pre, I love mine.  I'm also surprised more people who are into tube-based pres aren't mentioning DHT designs.  They are challenging to ... 
Holo Audio May DAC
@cd45123 I'm still naïve in regards to the Holo products, but I've had the Directstream DAC in my system (posted on agon) twice for extended periods.  It just never worked for me.  My theory is that some people (and systems) are particularly sensi... 
Holo Audio May DAC
Ha. I guess in that case "thank you!" instead...