
Responses from c123666

Audible Illusions Modulus 3A Gain?? moving coil
Modulus 3A has more than enough gain for a Denon DL103R which is a pretty low output cartridge. I jave the John Curl MC upgrade boards and it sounds very, very good with the 103R.Mid level gain cartridges should work fine with the moving magnet tu... 
Hunter S. Thompson R.I.P.
He was a gun lover. One wonders if he had been drinking heavily when he shot himself. I will miss him, for one. I remember, very fondly, his short article called "Jimmy Carter's Law and Order Speech". I think that one was in the "Great Shark Hunt"... 
Help -Gallo Nucleus Speakers-binding post problem
Put in a claim with FedEx immediately. Was the shipment insured?Also, contact Gallo if you purchased them new and they shipped them to you. Let them know what is going on. Take pictures of the speaker as well as the packaging. Does the condition o... 
Anyone heard the Audio Note AX2 signature?
I have owned the K and J Audio Note speakers and auditioned the top of the line type E speakers extensively. I have little doubt that the performance of these speakers will be good based on my experience with their more expensive line. The real qu... 
"They simply don't make them like this anymore"
To me the value in vintage quality gear is in knowing the items to seek, understand they will most likely require service due to their age, and avoid spending really big bucks on comparable new products.A Threshold SA3 or Krell KSA50 or vintage Ko... 
Older higher end or newer mid-fi...better bargain?
Good used values:VTL Ultimate preamplifier..true dual monauralAudible Illusions Modulus 3AAudio Research SP8, SP 9Audiomat Arpege, PreludeAudio Note SOROAudio Note P2SE and P1SE (el84 based)Bryston 2b-LP...great sounding 60 watt SS ampolder Accuph... 
the 4 ohm rating
Samadhi Acoustics offers an excellent full range speaker (28hz up) rated at 94db and 4 ohms. A custom interstage transformer coupled SET 300b with 7 watts can drive these speakers with ease. The transformers are custom wound Electraprint and desig... 
How does Red Rose compare to older Levinson stuff?
Try used Audiomat Arpege, Prelude, or Solfege; you will not be disappointed. It is a passive line stage/amplifier all tubed. 
Which turntable should I keep?
Try this site for Thorens information and upgrades:http://www.theanalogdept.com/thorens_dept_.htmThe 145 would make the basis of a much better turntable. Build a better plinth, add a better tonearm and cartridge, and you are off to the races.The D... 
Tube pre-amps: what defines "better"
Real world example: a friend purchased a used Melos tubed preamp for around 700. I purchased a used Audible Illusions Modulus 3A for 1200. We plugged both of them into a aystem with very good speakers and a custom interstage coupled 300b SET (best... 
DAC sampling rates
One application that does work, and quite well, is recording live concerts directly to a laptop. The mics, preferably something like a vintage Neumann KM54 or AKG c61, go into a quality microphone preamp/Analogue>Digital Converter into the lapt... 
Subwoofer Isolation, what do you think...
I had a 2" thick piece of limestone cut and then used spikes for the sub onto the stone. Tightened up the low end response; ie, cleaner sounding, not muddy any longer. 
DAC sampling rates
Current Audio Note DACs all support 24/96khz processing. 
Fully Modded Origin Live OL1 or Stock Rega RB-600?
The VTF spring in the rb300/600/900 can be defeated by turning it all the way past 3. Or, the spring can be removed and only dynamic balancing is then available. So, that is a non issue when compared to the rb250. I have a rb300 wired with Audio N... 
Hadcock arms
The 228 is a traditional unipivot design. The 242 is a "modified" unipivot in that it has two pivots and behaves like a more traditional gimbal type arm if you believe the advertisements.