
Responses from c123666

Nightmare selling to Canada
You don't like paying exorbitant duties/tariffs then leave Canada; same for folks in Australia and many other socially enlightened countries. I am wondering how much duty I am going to have to pay to liberate my turntable coming from Germany; I wa... 
Why not more on 845 SETs?
And transformer prices are going up as is anything made out of metal....Price a set of six transformers from Electraprint, or Lundahl, for a single ended interstage coupled amp, then figure in the cost of a truly inert/non resonant chassis and the... 
What's after Supratek
Kondo M100? 
Add a DAC vs. Upgrade CDP
Audio Note DAC 1 and 2 are excellent used values and sound very good. The DAC 1.x sells used for around 800, typically. The earlier DAC 1 and DAC 1 Signature, both fine units, sell for 500 to 700 used. I've used one with a Marantz CD63 II, Vecteur... 
Audible Illusions M3a owners tube life?
NOS Siemens E88CC (something like that) are about half the price of the Telefunkens, last just as long, and sound almost as good. Tube life is around 6/7000 hours; the Modulus runs a bit "hot" on the tubes and the usual 10k hr life of 6922 tubes i... 
Trying Analog Again - Sugg for $2K-$4K Budget?
You can purchase a new Scheu Premier II turntable with the optional 80mm platter, 12" Scheu Classic arm, and dual arm plinth for 2500 inc shipping. If you go with the basic Premier II with the 50mm platter and single arm plinth that lowers the pri... 
Anybody heard the Expressimo Turntable?
I urge you to consider a Scheu Premier II table. I just paid 2500 for the table, optional 80mm platter, optional dual arm plinth (9" and 12" arms), Scheu Classic 12" tonearm, custom 1.75m silver phono wire (seamless from cartridge clips), and ship... 
Need complete stereo help starting with preamp
For a tubed unit check out the Audio Note SORO; it comes in phono or linestage versions. Very powerful for the rated 17 watts and great sounding, too. Not sure of the specs on your speakers. If the rated sensitivity is less than 88db and the resis... 
Why not more on 845 SETs?
Without first class transformers it won't matter how "good" the output tubes are. A well designed interstage coupled 300b or 211 SET amp sounds so much better than the capacitor coupled amps I've listened to I am sold on interstage tranny coupling... 
Tubed Integrated/$1500/New or Used
Modified Jolida 102; el84 makes around 15 to 20 watts and sounds very good. Hard to beat for around 575 new.The Audiomat Arpege/Prelude is a spectacular unit and in another class but over twice the money used. I've listened to these extensively in... 
2 ch. or 5.1 amp for HT mostly for music
An Arcam AVR300 is a wonderful 5.1 (7.1, too, methinks) receiver with 120 watts per channel, an excellent 2 channel sound that bypasses the digital processing, and all the processing modes anybody needs. No need for an external amp; nice looking, ... 
The majic of early 1970's rock and it's influence-
There has been nothing that can touch some of the classic Grateful Dead shows from the early 70s. There was a reason some people used to say "Eat, drink, and see Jerry".Or, not strictly rock; can you think of any music that has rivalled the sheer ... 
i need a power conditioner. monster?
What is the one CD you can't find?
Neil Young "On The Beach" and "Time Fades Away"; have the vinyl for both (looking for more copies of this vinyl). Would like "Tonight's the Night", too; think that is available but I don't often shop for CDs anymore.Original Blood, Sweat, and Tear... 
Why not more on 845 SETs?
The 845 simply does not sound as good as a top notch SET 300b amplifier. In addition, if you want the best performance from 845 designs NOS tubes would be useful; they are priced at something like 1000/pr last time I looked? Sure, the manufacturer...