
Responses from c123666

Amplified Vs Unamplified
depends on who you listen to...steve kimock is a fanatic about quality tube gear and his dumble and two rock amps are all highly modified....Steve has the best electric guitar tone I've ever heard....in fact, better than Garcia as Garcia was using... 
Cartridge comparison
price was lowered to 775 on the xx2...good deal and not much more than a new dv17....much better cartridge if you have the system to exploit itthe dv20x is also an excellent cartridge at 525 new and is available in a low and high output version. D... 
Integrated Tube Around $1000
not an integrated but the ASL 805 monoblocks are single ended and put out 50 watts...they might be perfect for you...any cheap passive components in the ASL can be upgraded easily for not a lot of moneyfor a preamp consider a used Audible Illusion... 
Cartridge comparison
yes...but you can get a Shelter 501 for about the same money as well as a Lyrian entry level cartride for 750...the DV17 is a great cartridge......I would take a hard look at the used XX2 that hit at around 800 yesterday before I bought a new dv17 
Integrated amp advice needed...
Levinson offered a nice integrated and should be available used from time to time.I'd second the Accuphase suggestion; impeccable build quality and great sound. If I did not do tubes only Accuphase would be at the top of my list. 
Somebody Help Convert me to tubes
I'd sell the speakers; they are a difficult load and will not mate well with the majority of tube amps mortals might afford.Second the advice of the folks who said sell the preamp for a quality tubed unit. Vintage Audio Research is an excellent pr... 
Jazz Guitar
John McLaughlin is certainly expresive and dynamic as was Larry Coryell in his earlier years. Joe Pass is very melodic esp on his solo albums (three of them). 
Advice for my first turntable/arm/cart please help
Suggest you consider a Scheu Premier Mk II. The nine inch arm plinth with standard platter can be had shipped for around 1600. Add a SME from Hong Kong for 800 to 2100 (M2 is 800, 309 is about 1000, series IV is 1600 and the series V is 2100. That... 
looking for quality passive sub with 8" drivers
Thanks for the feedback. I know of the VAnderstten units but not interested in internally powered subs. I am tired of repairing them years later after the electrical components have vibrated to the point of a solder joint failing.I'll look for the... 
Jazz Guitar
Joe Pass, Barney Kessell, John Carlini (taught Tony Rice), Larry Coryell, John Ambercrombie, Philip Catherine, John McLaughlin 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Loggins and Messina "On Stage"...love that Angry Eyes. 
Best turntable for easy setup and no maintenence?
audio note TT1 and audio note arm 2 with an audio note cartridge or dynavector....all work together very well. The table is designed with the rb250 and 300 in mind so the suspension is optimized for the rega arms as is the armboard. If you buy it ... 
Please recommend a good Tube preamp.
audible illusions modulus 3a, vtl ultimate, CAT SL1 
Used Pre-amp advise please....
Suggest you consider Audible Illusions Modulus 3A, VTL Ultimate (if you can find one), and used Convergent Audio Technology preamps. 
Tube amp upgrade/repair in San Jose Bay Area
Nick is very good. Alex Dondysh can also repair/upgrade equipment. He is a qualified electrical engineer and HD TV designer; he knows his stuff. He is in Foster City. Give him a call at 925-408-1522Alex also designs and sells custom made SET and p...