
Responses from c123666

has anyone cmpared audionote uk vs. audionote jpn.
I have listened a fair amount to the vintage Ongaku and M7 Kondo units as well as various Audio Note UK stuff (Conquest, Conqueror, M1, M2, M5).The Kondo stuff is better, period. Whether it is "better enough" to justify the huge prices for Kondo r... 
Phono preamp or preamp with phono selection ????
used vtl 2.5 linestage tubed preamp with remote about 800/900...then send it to VTL and have them install a new/warrantied tubed phono stage for another 550...excellent unit and VTL remains to service it as required (hopefully not) 
Best intergrated amp for under $2000
For solid state look to a used YBA Integre...very nice piece with lovely construction. Used Vecteur int amps are excellent, too, and the Vecteur designer was formerly a YBA guy.Good stuff. 
HELP best analog system brand new for $5,000.00
For 5000 used I would try to score the Amazon Model 1 with the Schroder DPS tonearm that has been for sale at an asking price approaching 7k for several months now. This would be a table system to get you off the endless upgrade cycle and listen t... 
Idler wheel drive vs Belt
tbg....did your sp10 have the technics base/plinth or did you have it in a higher quality plinth and isolated correctly? 
Rega best buy p-5 or p-7? please HELP
P5 with the optional external power supply may be the way to go and not pay the really big bux for the ceramic platter. 
Analog - Bang For Buck
For true set it and forget and good to excellent sound look to the Rega P5 (former the P25), the P7, and the P9. A used P9, if you can find one, is a good value.Other set it and forget it: Scheu Cello with Rega RB250 arm...about a grand landed fro... 
Best intergrated amp for under $2000
Audiomat Arpege/Prelude or more powerful Solfege if you can find one...lovely sounding pieces with exquisite workmanship 
There Ought To Be A Law, Or At Least A Rule
Some companies simply do not find email that useful and only use the phone which screens out a lot of tire kickers. Steve Sank and Nick Gowan are both much more responsive to the phone than email as they get a lot of idle questions via email.If th... 
Best turntable for easy setup and no maintenence?
another would be a Scheu Cello with rb250 mounted; about a grand landed from Germany. Uses same bearing as the more expensive Premier Mk II (Absolute Sound recommended component a few years back). Very nice unit with a moderate sized footprint. 
Idler wheel drive vs Belt
Sounds like a great deal for a warrantied sp 10 mk ii with plinth and a decent arm. Pity the plinth will not accept a 12" arm and only 9" arms. 
15" vs 18" subwoofer - which to buy?
I asked Tyler acoustics for a quote on a custom subwoofer with the following design parameters:purpose is to use with single ended tube amps and very efficient speakers....the sub must be "quick" enough to keep up with demanding bass passages and ... 
Idler wheel drive vs Belt
Of course it makes a big difference; check out the link, ask for quotes, and be sure to check the money quoted. Euro is at 1.3 to the dollar right now.This would be a table that will run with most anything IF sited on a quality stand (think billy ... 
Phono preamp or preamp with phono selection ????
The Aesthetix stuff is very good; it is also very, very expensive for even their entry level model. 
15" vs 18" subwoofer - which to buy?
Find a Bag End dealer and audition one of the best. Go review their site; think they may offer both sizes. Great product, rarely found used.