
Responses from buconero117

What are current CD player transports?
Think a blu-ray player by sony, maybe the s560 model which can be had for $110. Why spend more until you hear that unit? 
Good used receiver for bedroom. Denon? Marantz?
No, look into the onkyo tx-sr307. I recently purchased this unit as a refurb for $160 from the accessories4less outfit. I also use this in a bedroom system. It has three HDMI in's. Please with the sound, great value. 
VPI Enthusiasts: Going Backwards?
Stay where you are. Add the outer ring clamp and see if performance improves. Upgrades to VPI are generally not good values considering what if any performance improvements result. 'Better' is in the ear of the beholder. 
Recommended acoustic recordings
Second Eva Cassidy, especially the Songbird album on vinyl. 
Upgrade cdp
Yes, to a blu ray player. SonyStyle recently had the 560 for $110 shipped. Great value, and great sound since you can go optical to the amp. 
small room... tube amp... summer
A very practial solution would be to put a laptop cooler under the unit. There are cheap usb wall wart adapters, say $5, that will power the coolers, so you don't actual need a laptop. 
Large room challenges
Time to talk to a Pro Audio guy who does this work on a routine basis, all others would be just guessing. 
Reel to Reel decks
Have many decks, technics, tascam, teac, sony. In addition to the commercial seven inch pre-recorded tapes, I have a large library of ten inch pre-recorded tapes that were used in radio stations. These latter tapes include Drake, Century, Media Ge... 
Why not horns?
If you don't have the right room. That translates to one with volume. As all know, horns are very directional. So, unless you can sit in the exact 'sweet spot', you lose the total effect. My first experience with horns was with a single K-Horn, ye... 
finding a solid state amp to replace a tube amp
No matter what solid state amp you buy you will never be happy. Forever lurking in your mind will be 'doesn't sound tube like'. Just buy another tube amp with more power. Remember, audio is a 'mind game. 
Klipschorn Imaging
I've had the K's, and yes imaging is a problem. They have the so called 'sweet spot' problem. So, unless you find it in the room you have, they will not image since you cannot move the K's. My solution was a center channel, a Belle and a pre-amp t... 
Best choices for hookup wire?
'Hook Up Wire'? I sense you are not a serious audiophile. 
Equipment between speakers...
No, unless you you can acoustically isolate all sides of the cabinet, front, sides,back and top. Failure to do so will subject all your components to the attack of acoustic energy when the speakers are playing. Such condition will cause all the co... 
My $99.00 System
It is not the system, stupid. It is who got all the media. Systems, listening rooms come and go, but what you listen to is where the music is. I hope you got a pre-nuptial on the second round. So, let this be a lesson to all you gon'ers, get your ... 
Record Club vs. Store purchased records
In the sixties I worked for CBS and was very familiar with the Record Club operations since I was a financial overseer of Columbia Records operations. Quality of the record was a function of the vinyl mix and stamper run, not whether it was Club p...