
Responses from buconero117

best racks,amp stands etc.
I am sure you will want to put your turntable on the best platform possible. So, it is time to check into an electron microscope platform. I know, they are pricey, but hey, you want the best, don't you? 
Vinyl comeback now, cassette tapes next?
Tapes? No way. Think about it, twenty year old magnetic media has deteriorated, unlike vinyl, which is fairly stable. I have many tapes, R2R, cassette and even eight track, all cannot equal properly cared for vinyl played on a first class rig. My ... 
Which of these SACD players would you choose?
None, a $60 sony 595 at sonystyle will give you just as good sound. 
Shipping Speakers to China - Which Shipper?
Just don't, unless you have money to waste. The Chinese in bound custom process is totally corrupt, so it is a roll of the dice type of business. 
Tonearms of exotic materials- esp. Carbon?
Beware of the acoustic energy that will be in the room and act on the arm and cartridge. Having said that, it would appear that a ceramic material would be the best as it would have the lowest resonances. All the metals will 'ring', easily proven ... 
Is the Sony xa5400es better than scd-1?
Wait for the refurb's of the 5400, rumored to sell at $699. 
Spin Clean Record Washer
Best way to keep the labels dry is use a 'grovemaster label saver', a device especially made for this task. This device coverd both labels at once and has large spin nuts, with large o ring seals. With both labels covered you are ready to 'steam',... 
Help with Turntable selection
Scout, no contest. Avoid the Marantz (nee ClearAudio) as it plays like a $100 refurb. 
CDP choices-Looking for advice
Yes, it is me again. You know the guy who likes the Sony595, shipped by sonystyle for $60. So, before you spend, check it out. Don't like it? Sonystyle will pick it up and refund the full price. Dare to be cheap. 
Tube coolers?
Laptop fans will do the trick, especially with a wall wart power suppl. These usb powered fans, often available for $5 would be the first stop. Most are pretty quite and you can add a few to get the air flow you need in all areas of the amp. I've ... 
What did you own in the 60's?
Tannoy, Thorens changer, gray v arm with table, Marantz and McIntosh electronics. Sold it all in the mid sixties to buy a house. Still have all the records. 
Pre-audition advice needed
Nothing, and I mean nothing, substitutes for an in home trial. Yes, choice at a dealer is the first step. Elizabeth covers that one in-depth. But, do not buy anything unless the dealer will let you 'audition' your dealer showroom choice in the act... 
Why mono?
Because mono disks are cut differently. If you are really into a large collection of mono lps, like I am, best to assign a separate arm and cartridge to their playing. The Lyra is ideal, but Shure makes some mono cartridges that are great sounding... 
Distributed Subwoofers - Options
The link play's some great music, worth a visit. 
Experienced audiophiles best speaker
jbl everest, no others compare. Very hard to get a demo, done in the right room.