
Responses from buconero117

Building a Power Strip, any advise?
Look for 'hospital' grade outlets and wiring. If you are up to it build in a surge protector, and that is a challenge. 
The Lawyers Have Taken Over Audio
Best that Giedon's clients call Jim Smith of better sound. A second opinion is always worth it. 
Mo' money. Mo' problems.
Forgot, what is the matter with you people, making money is the problem. Great article in the wall street journal today at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323320404578213691784333734.html?KEYWORDS=gideon+schwartzAs Gideon told a skep... 
Vintage McIntosh & JBL System
Try keeping it together as a package. Best to try eBay and list as a system with each component a sub title. 
Mo' money. Mo' problems.
I suggest you enroll in a 12 step program, quickly as your bound to bankrupt in 2013 
Cost of running a tube amp.
If you must ask, you can't afford it. 
Tonearms longer than 12 inches
Long ago, and not often remembered is that 16 inch acetate disks were in use for recording use, so you needed a 16 inch arm. The disc cutter TT and arm could, of course, play anything below that. I had such a unit when I got interested in doing di... 
Does my acoustic ideology make me an outcast?
Acoustics are anchored in the law of physics, so no 'ideology' is possible. 
2013 Wish List
Reduce system to simple, bare bones equipment and sell off all the rest. Recently, when someone looked at the array of equipment they said I was a 'collector', the kindest words they could come up with. So, I need to shed the label, quickly. 
Placement of electronics
jfrech's suggestion on rpg acoustic screen is okay, but furutech units can do the same thing at less then half the price. I have three furutech panels, one between the speakers to shield the tv screen, two others on the sides at first reflection p... 
Looking for good match to Cayin TA-30
ProAc's seem to work well. I drive a pair of 1SC's and it produces great sound. 
Any experience with mirriored flat screens ?
You are correct, with these mirrored flat screens, things will always appear darker, and much darker if viewing at an angle. I had one in a living room due to WFA condition. After a month, it was sold off and a regular unit installed, hidden behin... 
Placement of electronics
Ideal is on the side wall, well out of the killer speaker first reflection spot on either side. Also, consider an acoustic screen in front of the units. You will be surprised with the amount of acoustic energy that speakers produce and when it hit... 
When does seller's responsibility end?
The moment it ships, fully insured, packed and boxed with the original materials. Avoid paypal in future transactions, not only are their fees outrageous but they offer not protection for the seller from a dishonest buyer. Seller beware. 
I can't part with it; what should I do?
Have it rewired and a new cables/connectors installed. Having something old is always a way of finding balance with the new.