

Responses from bubba12

Axpona 2022
My best rooms included both Wilson rooms. Legacy is always great. Atohm/Atoll room is fantastic. Mon speakers were fantastic. I can't find them online anywhere. If someone knows where to fin that let me know. Muraudio was fantastic. Martin Logan 1... 
Selling gear with TMR
If you have to send the product to them why not sell it yourself and send it to someone else? I don’t know how it makes it easier. They seem like a great company though.  
After years of separates, I'm going integrated. Anyone else do the same?
I just moved from Parasound JC 1 monos and JC 2 BP preamp to a Rotel Michi X5 integrated. It's only been a few days but I am happy. I listen to mostly rock music. It sounds the same to me. More time will tell. I think if you get high quality gear ... 
Class A or Class D solid-state amplifiers (modern designs)
@atmasphere  Are you showing these at Axpona?  
Dumping it all for Lyngdorf???
I think the Kef require power to make them perform to their capability which is the trick in this equation.  
Need help to select a speaker
Everyone has an opinion but Dynaudio do not excel at low volume. I sold a pair of Evidence Temptations for that reason. Plenty of high end brands need the volume up a bit to sound great in my experience.    Klipsch might be known for brightness a... 
Atma-Sphere Class D getting some love
@atmasphere Are you showing these at Axpona? I hope so.  
Wilson Audio Sabrina X - Hegel H390/H590
I think you will do fine. I bought the Holo Spring DAC recently. I prefer it to my PS Audio Directstream. I think you will love the May DAC. Congrats.  
What is Tight Bass?
@artemus_5  You are the first person I've heard say tube amps produce better bass. I think I agree with that. I thought I must be wrong because EVERY review says SS produce great bass and tubes do midrange and vocals better. So many audiophile fac... 
Totally overwhelmed (speakers under $5k)
Get a pair of Goldenear Triton 1r and you're in business.  
Do high end manufacturers need retail outlets?
The companies wouldn't lower their price. I could buy PS Audio cheaper when they had dealers than I can now.  
Cartridge incompatibility, Soundsmith and Luxman
There seems to be one easy thing to do and many crazy solutions. Umm.....please don't take the top off and modify or tweak your amp. There are a zillion excellent cartridges. Buy the one that fits the phono stage and have a great time.  
whats the best pre amp to pair with Bryston 4b cubed? A
The Arcam is a nice amp. I'm not convinced it's going to make a huge jump.  
About users with hidden agendas
I like that dealers are on this site offering up options. I'm not certain why it rubs people wrong. it's just an opinion but they tend to know a little about their products.  
Big Below 15k used that can play loud as heck
The speakers you have should be plenty for that room. Maybe you just want change?