

Responses from bubba12

Will a $700 turntable outperform a CD player?
I personally don't think a $700 TT will out perform your cd player.  
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
I was getting ready to say Salk until I read your last line. I really thought your description was describing Salk. I'm curious which line it was. Dynaudio makes great speakers also. 
Looking for an integrated amp around 4000 to 5000.
I own the PrimaLuna Evo 400 and it sounds beautiful with my Salk Sound Song3 speakers. I have heard the Mark Levinson and thought it was a good amp also. 
Yet another Integrated vs Separates advice post
If your speakers don't need more power then stick with what you have. If you want to really upgrade then up you price point significantly. 
External DAC connection for Bluesound Node 2i (after "Another streaming newbie" thread)
If you like the sound of the Bluesound without an external Dac then stick with it. I have a 2nd system running that way. I think it sounds fantastic. 
Seems like a lot of folks are putting their Primaluna amps for sale...
I bought the PrimaLuna Evo 400 integrated and have been very happy with it. It makes beautiful music through my Salk Sound Song3 speakers. 
Pass X150.5 or Odyssey Stratos monos?
I owned a stereo Odyssey amp and a pair of Odyssey mono blocks at the same time and I can confirm that the stereo amp sounded better than the monos. I have heard a lot of Pass amps and would agree that they are probably better to my ears. Odyssey ... 
Atoll IN300 - quick review
I agree that the Atohm/Atoll combination I heard at AXPONA is some of the best sound i've ever heard. If i was in the market they would be on my short list. 
New Classe Delta amps and stereo pre amp
I heard these at AXPONA last year with a pair of Magico S5 or S3 speakers. One of the best rooms. These amps are great!! 
McIntosh c2700 users please chime in?
You can get a discount on anything. McIntosh probably less than others though. They have a strong brand and don’t have to deal as much as some others. It’s not factually true that you can’t get a discount. . It’s not like the BHK is a dog. Im not ... 
I like my Peachtree Nova300 more than my new (to me) Pass XA30.5 HELP!
I would use the integrated as an integrated only.  
Do my Dynaudio Evidence Temptations require more amp?
I use a set of Anticables 3.1. I'm not sure they are the be all end all.  
Bubba12 - Can I stop by and see the Tritons?
Message me. Sure. 
Do my Dynaudio Evidence Temptations require more amp?
The McIntosh definitely sounds good. I just wondered aloud if maybe I would upgrade at some point. I’ll probably stay right where I am right now. 
Do my Dynaudio Evidence Temptations require more amp?
I’m not planning any changes. The JC1s are a different beast than the integrated though.