

Responses from bubba12

Can whoever bought the McIntosh MA12000 let us know if it turns out to be a scam?
It was for sale in London. Kinda glad so I wasn’t lured into trying to buy it.  
When to Amp it Up?
Fair enough. Have you have used the Technics as the amp also without the Cambridge? It just seems like you have alot going on. What is wrong with the integrated alone?  
When to Amp it Up?
It seems the amps you own are comparable to the speakers you own. I'm npt sure the biamping thing is necessary. I think with the amount of money you have invested you might be better off with a great integrated with less cables and fuss. Just an o... 
Best AMP for GE Triton Reference Speakers
The owner of the company used PrimaLuna with his. I think Hegel too. Parasound is always a good choice.  
Your opinion members of the sonics of the Bricasti M21 and Berkeley Alpha Reference 3
The DAC in the Esoteric CD player is probably awesome. If you aren't going to stream I have my doubts if it would make a big difference. I know there will be people that will disagree.  
Preowned Wilson Audio Chicago Dealer
He rarely replies to an offer. I admit they are lower than asking but he sits on products for years on end.  All dealers need to understand that I'm not lowballing you if your product hasn't sold in a year. You are highballing me. Anyway I usually... 
Will I Hear A Difference?
I went from the Debut Carbon to a C Sharp and it was a great upgrade. I have very nice electronics that help though. My EAT has superb build quality. The C Sharp is great. I'm not sure about other models.  
Struggling to spend 13k with three dealers
The Chicago dealer doesn't always respond to actual offers. He continues to list items that never sell. I cant quite figure him out either. @cowan217  If you are going to pay full retail they should be falling all over their self to set them up.   
Help with Cartridge choice
Save up and get a turntable first. Some of your description leads me to believe its not great. I would rather have a few hundred dollar cartridge on a good turntable.  
Best TT setup for 2k
Musical Fidelity has a little phon stage that is excellent. It's a few hundred bucks from memory. It has MM or MC. Verdant Audio sold me one. He is a nice guy also.  
Clearaudio Concept TT subpar sound quality
Personally it took me ALOT more money for my turntable system to sound as good or better than my digital. You aren't going to hear this answer much because the analog only folks will tell you you're deaf.  I'm still not completely sure its worth t... 
Dynaudio Evidence Temptation and tube amps?
I think ML like power the same as Dynaudio. I have heard they aren't that tube friendly.   
Focal, B&W or Martin Logan
The Martin Logans are better pulled way out from the front wall. It sounds like that might be the last speaker you should consider.  
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
It sounds like you want a set it and forget it table? Look into the VPI HW 40. It is direct drive and high mass. I am a set it and forget it person and this table is that and phenomenal sound. I couldn't believe how big of a step up it was. Sorry ... 
Anyone else treated poorly by AVA?
Asked for the money and returned immediately. Now it's time for the punishment phase.