Responses from bubba12
Low level listening @jeffseight The Maggies are far from efficient. Great speakers but require lots of power. | |
Maggie owners -- Mye or Magna Riser stands Thanks @krelldreams. I think if I make the move it will be to the 3.7i. I'm getting to recognize my need to upgrade BEFORE it happens. | |
Maggie owners -- Mye or Magna Riser stands @krelldreams I'm reading between the lines and taking liberties but it sounds like the 1.7i worked well for you and given a do over you might have stayed with them? I'm thinking about getting some 1.7i but the lure of the 3.7i is always lurking. | |
Is there a cartridge setup specialist in Southeastern Michigan? @karl_desch I finally got around to changing cartridges. It really wasn't as difficult as i anticipated. Hana ML sounds pretty darn good. I'm not sure if Michael Fremer would say it's perfect but I don't hear anything off. Thanks for the support. | |
What happened to Rotel? An electronic product is having an issue 4 years in? I wouldn't say that makes Rotel a bad company. Typical, not bad. I am surprised that so many believe that this makes them a bad company. Most companies give a 2 or 3 year warranty. | |
PS Audio S300 amplifier- tube preamplifier recommendation @lmartinez_02170 I am to the point where if the remote isn't great I move on to other products. There are way too many products with perfect remote function. I really should be able to get the volume perfect, not just close. Good luck in your sea... | |
Using the Magnepan 1.7i with two REL S/812 Subs I am running Legacy Aeris next to Magnepan LRS Plus in a bit of a shootout. The LRS with a SVS SB16 sub. The Maggies actually aren't getting crushed in this comparison. I am using a Michi X5 integrated with the LRS. Legacy Wavelet and Legacy IV 2 ... | |
Best Speaker for a reflective room ? I doubt the room will ever sound like you hope it will. I have found out that equipment cannot erase room problems no matter how much money is spent. Who knows? Maybe it will sound good. | |
Has anyone noticed a slow down in sales? It’s the only tangible product I know wg here guys keep their price the same no matter how long it sits there. Blue book? Throw it out. The prices were highly oinflated for a couple years. Price your item for what it is worth today Nd it will pro... | |
Is there a cartridge setup specialist in Southeastern Michigan? Thanks Karl. That's very kind of you. I'm in Hartland. I haven't got the cartridge yet. Our other members have helped me believe I could do it myself but I don't have the equipment you have. I appreciate you responding and might take you up on it. | |
Innovative Autio in NYC just hung up on me There is this false narrative about dealers being helpful and nice. I have not necessarily seen that. They don’t let you really listen at your leisure. They control the music selection. Easier to just buy online. | |
Those singers you enjoy,....that don't really have a great voice? Lemmy. | |
My Medium List of Amplifiers and my Personal Review of Each ! I will follow with interest. I like the medium price ranges. I had the X25 for a spell and liked it very much. | |
Want to add vinyl to my system. Vinyl is alot of work but if It's a hobby as well as a love of music then go for it. Rega should be great at the level you are talking. Phono stage for a couple grand and you are good. Cleaning records is a must for full enjoyment. | |
How long does it take a decent quality speaker to "wear out"? After reading the answers I will never worry about speaker longevity. |