Responses from bubba12
Seeking Legit Cartridge Expert? Hana ML is as good as any in that price range. | |
New to the B&W 801D4 I would probably add a preamp before I changed amplifiers. That might be a better result. Those are good amps by most accounts. | |
suggestions? Coda CSIB or Musical Fidelity M8xi? Those are both great And Rotel Michi X5 might be a good addition to that list. Great amp. I own it and have been pleased. | |
Magnepan 2.7i It's exactly what you think, the size between the two. It has the ribbon tweeter like the 3.7i but smaller. I heard it Saturday. It's excellent but it doesn't seem much smaller than the 3.7i. | |
Is a McIntosh MA12000 a good fit for a Sonus Farber Amati Tradition? How did the switch in speakers go? DAW and the Amati are on my list. Can you give me your thoughts? | |
Any normal size speakers that sound like Volti I think they fit the space nicely. | |
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!! @steve59 I had some Ushers a couple down the line from yours. I forgot those. LOL Do you still have the Blades? I feel some comfort that I'm not alone but the room is always going to set the limit on the sound. I need to understand that. I have a... | |
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!! It's really not about the speakers but the sickness. I've had multiple speakers that should have been endgame. Goldenear Triton Ref. Dynaudio Evidence Temptations. Dynaudio C1 Signature. Monitor Audio 300 Platinum. Legacy Aeris. Any right minded h... | |
Phono preamp, all suggestions welcome There is a Musical Fidelity phono that is great. It has MM and MC. Only $200-$300 used. Small box. | |
Not selling Cardas cables online again, just wanted to share..... It hurts us all. I wouldn't buy anything remotely expensive Friends and Family so that definitely hurts commerce. I try to buy local too. | |
Dealers with excellent listening rooms? The Sound Advantage in Rochester Mi. does a nice job. One thing I find odd is that most audiophile types claim vinyl is so much better but high end dealers rarely show their systems by playing a record. | |
Share your experience of Mon Acoustic Speakers Here I loved the sound I heard at AXPONA. Price is a bit higher than my comfort zone. | |
ISO - grit, texture, decay, life from snares and bass drums Would a couple subwoofers help? My Magnepan LRS+ has the issue of the changing sound when standing. Interested in comments. | |
Have you asked yourself this question? I do all formats but could easily live with just streaming. I have moments where I want to streamline and then moments where I like the accumulation of the physical media. I'm not as adamant as some on their belief that record playing is superior ... | |
From pass xa25 to krell k-300i @rfprice I would agree. I've never heard a bad word about either amp. |