
Responses from br3098

What speaker for being close to rear wall?
I don't have symmetrical defined corners.AN speakers do not necessarily have to be placed in the corners. I know several folks who use their ANs (and Snells) in the middle of a long wall. You will have to play with toe in, and the placment from th... 
integrated amplifier with phono and usb
My two cents worth: since DAC technology changes faster than integrated amps do, I would use a small outboard DAC. Buy the amp that sounds best to you and mates to your speakers and upgrade the DAC when needed or wanted. 
integrated amplifier with phono and usb
Regarding the USB: are you are looking for an integrated DAC, or just a USB port? You can easily add an external USB port adapter to an unused pair of inputs. 
Cryo'ed LP's
I am a big fan or the cryo process. It might sound a little funny to you all but I use it for food - meat, fish, ice cream and water. My groceries all sound better after the cryo treatment. 
How close to the real thing?
Elizabeth,I do not believe that even the best home systems are anywhere near 90%-95% percent in terms of realism, but I will qualify my statement by stating the obvious. There are many, many factors involved in what we consider to be "real" sound ... 
Best stereo recievers of the 1970's?
My personal opinion, in order of preference:1- Sansui - the 5000 series (A/X) is about the bext value (price/performance) as it gets, IMHO.2- Luxman - some models are overall better performers than Sansui, but build and sound quality are les consi... 
Golden Tube Audio SE-40
The SE-40 is a good, very under-rated amp IMHO. It's got a very sweet sound, but can be a little lacking in the lower range if not paired to the right speakers.I have two and there have been no reliability issues (so far). The guy who moderates th... 
What Chores do Audiophiles Hate?
I hate work 
Budget speaker $600 or under recommendations
Since you like the sound, why don't you look for a pair of used Von Schweikert VR-1s? They should be available for around $400 or less. For a bigger sound you could also look for a pair of LCR-15s. They are harder to locate but make a better HT sp... 
A 'First' System for my Son
I would recommend a couple of different directions:1- New Peachtree iDecco and Era4 speakers. Substitute a used Decco for less $$$, use a cable for the iPod.2- Used vintage receiver and speakers. I would recommend a used Sansui 5000A or X and a pa... 
Counterpoint SA12
I have owned Counterpoint gear in the distant past. It was good at the time, for what it was. I probably wouldn't mess around with it today - too many shortcuts and compromises in the design. Repairs or upgrades can be very expensive.If I were loo... 
Budget MC Cartridge and Synergy
For virtually every cartridge of any type, the most important synergy is compatibility with the tonearm forst and the deck second. After that, obviously, I would look at the the phono stage, SUT or head amp. For myself, I probably wouldn't worry a... 
Switcher needed
While I have not actually used one, I think that the best solution might be the Manley Skipjack. See here:Manley Skipjack Page 
What are your fav “Off Hollywood” films
Hmmm, do I have to narrow it down to 2?1- Jean Renoir's 'La Grande Illusion'2- Catholic High School Girls in Trouble 
SUT for Lyra Dorian Mono
I am very happy with the Choir Audio SUT-H that I recently purchased. Uses Hashimoto transformers (I'm an old Sansui guy), built like a tank and is reasonably priced. I tried several other options; Audio Note, CineMag, Shelter, but the SUT-H is fa...