

Responses from bombaywalla

Why magic at 80 db?
IMHO I don't agree with the Fletecher and Munson or Robinson-Dadson effects suggested but I do agree with the possible effects of your drivers not being broken in & your amp-speaker interface.Additionally, I believe that the sensitivity of the... 
1K dac
anyway thanks for those who helped me, it's great to be in a so much "open-minded" community.heh, heh, heh, heh! yeah, you have no idea how open-minded we really are .... ;-) 
Can Redbook CD Be Saved
more fodder for all of you in this parallel thread: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ymisc&1311979002&&&/Are-the-CD-S-days-numbered- 
1K dac
I think that you should look into a Scott Nixon Tube DAC any other model that he offers. These are all non-oversampling DACs, just FYIhttp://www.scott-nixon.com/ 
how can a cheap cd drive equal a fine transport?
The best transports produce a data stream with less error, or jitter. the above statement is the flaw in your thinking, Lloydc (the jitter part is right tho'). The fact is that even the $35 el-cheapo DVD unit from Walmart will read a disk with zer... 
FM tuners - Are they OBSOLETE ?
Thanks much, Ack. 
FM tuners - Are they OBSOLETE ?
05-15-11: AckHow are you going to otherwise hear live performances from the Met or the Boston Symphony w/o a tuner?Ack, can you please provide the FM stations that broadcast performances from the Met & the Boston Symphony? I'd like to see if I... 
In the red; insufficient power
It is only during the early morning or evening hours that the Panamax indicates sufficient power. you mean "insufficient VOLTAGE (not power!).... 
What is the best way to ship 35 lbs. to Germany?
07-24-11: UnsoundYou boat.A big LOL! :-D :-Dlast night the (fantastic) movie U-571 was on TV & I stayed up quite late to watch it to completion. Now, I did spy a big rectangular object wrapped in a thick blanket & tied up with rope. Was it... 
Cable 101: input output imped
2nd Al's input. I'm using a 100 Ohms output impedance preamplifier into a 10K Ohm amplifier with very good results. 
FM tuners - Are they OBSOLETE ?
Thanx for the TuneIn app for the iPhone. It is a very nice app & I can play my iPhone thru my onkyo iPod dock . 
FM tuners - Are they OBSOLETE ?
they are as obsolete or not depending upon the quality of the programming material where you live - if you are lucky & have a lot of good FM programmes then you could benefit from a FM tuner; otherwise, not.Technically, it appears that FM tune... 
Which of these would you prefer?
I'd go with the Green Mountain Audio Eos personally. I've had personal experience w/ this particular company & I like the speaker designer, his products & most importantly the way the music sounds thru Green Mtn speakers. These are 1st ord... 
How many forms of Jitter can you identify?
Al, no problem.yeah, it's hard to say how quantative this particular effect is. It is a mechanism of jitter generation & it might not be significant in & of itself but combined with all the other hash in the signalling chain, it probably d... 
How many forms of Jitter can you identify?
Bombaywalla, I'm not sure I follow that. Static electrical charges and magnetization are two different things.Al, it true that these are 2 different effects but they are interactive & influence each other. Static electric charge does create an...