

Responses from bombaywalla

Is DEQX a game changer?
hi Bruce,did you finally get a DEQX demo at your house? if yes, was it all that it was cracked up to be? thanks. 
Accuphase a-70 is a good option?
09-16-14: Dave_72That's cool you did the comparison. I for one, appreciate this. The Accuphase A-70 is significantly higher in price so it should be the winner! isn't this a ludicrous statement dave_72? you know in audio a high price rarely has an... 
Terminological Exactitude....
09-07-14: CsontosSure. I just meant for the sake of discussion. It would be refreshing to experience consensus.heck, consensus was furtherest from my mind when I wrote that post, guys. what I was aiming at was that if the OP would first define the... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Phusis, we agree to disagree (which is just fine with me). :-)I'm happy that you subscribe to some Nathan Lewis' opinion on this matter but it's just his opinion & I have no idea what his exposure & knowledge of audio is? 
Terminological Exactitude....
Nonoise & 57s4me,re. giving each other some latitude: yes, I'm in favour of this because what we want on this forum is discussion & not a fight even if the discussion is outside our resp. knowledge realm & outside our comfort zone. The... 
Terminological Exactitude....
If all sound, including music, consists of two physical properties, namely amplitude and frequency,All sound comprises of phase & amplitude. Further, time & phase are related in that time is phase. It takes a certain time for the sound ori... 
Class A vs. AB vs. D... can you hear a difference?
09-01-14: KijankiNgjockey, you have to realize that linear power supply is in reality a primitive switcher that pollutes AC even more. Jeff Rowland designed his latest class AB power amps with SMPS to reduce noise.this statement was a surprise to ... 
DEQX and YG Acoustics?
08-27-14: PsagOptimal phase and timing correction can only be done in the digital domain. All dynamic drivers are subject to these errors, and there is no conventional crossover or driver design that can correct this to the extent that digital cor... 
Is it the speakers?
the other possibility could be that you had very clean power (depnds on how late it was at night) & with clean power the music simply sounds much better..... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Phusis,thanks for the info & the excerpts from the 6mooons.com review. If nothing else, the speaker finish is very nice to look at. In a similar view both in respect to "Made in Austria" & beautiful looking finishes - at RMAF 2013 I heard ... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
time-coherence is the way to go........I'm tellin' ya!Bifwynne, Lewinskih01: you guys have your work cut out for you should you choose the DEQX route... ;-)(or buy a properly designed time-coherent speaker ;-))but it looks like the rewards are wor... 
Speakers that turn your analytical mind off?
I am fortunate enough to own a wonderful pair of speakers and yet I catch myself noting how good a flute sounds or some other dissected component of the music rather than the music as a whole. When I'm in the shower and listening to sonos through ... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
08-25-14: DwellerThanks guys for trying to teach an old dog new tricks.I'm looking for a way to get a more life-like listening experience.You're trying to tell me why I can't have it.it appears to me that you have, very broadly speaking, 2 choices... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
but while I appreciate your addressing "physics" I believe you adhere to them in a rather non-flexible fashion that cares more about numbers than, it would seem, actual listening impressions - or at least you're without the positive experience of ... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
To clarify: 700Hz er certainly part of the midrange (indeed the lower part of the central mids), and voices typically contain a lot of energy even lower in the frequency spectrum. no dispute here Phusis. I was not stating otherwise. Merely stating...