

Responses from bombaywalla

Getting phantom image perfectly centered
The speakers are precisely 45.5 inches from the back wall.They are each 26.5 inches from the side walls with a caveat. The left speaker is 27.5 inches from the window sash, which is 1 inch deeper than the wall. It's 30 inches to the top panes of g... 
vandersteen 2ce sig ii listening distance and tilt
G19276, i disagree that an equilateral triangle is the best place to start. Start with an equal-legged T i.e. distance between speakers = distance from mid-point between speakers to your listening chair. This will create an isosceles triangle &... 
match Jeff Rowland Preamp with Burmester amp
why do you want to change your JR312 power amp? is there something missing from your music playback??would be good to know your intentions. Thanks. 
Quicksilver amps an appropriate match for Wilson Sophia?
02-11-15: Allison2Wilson Audio Specialties Sophia loudspeaker SpecificationsDescription: Three-way, floorstanding, reflex-loaded loudspeaker. Drive-units: 1" (25mm) inverted titanium-dome tweeter, 7" (178mm) paper-cone midrange unit, 10" (254mm) a... 
Quicksilver amps an appropriate match for Wilson Sophia?
Allison2,just expressing some thoughts here - I don't know if the QS amps are suited to the Wilson speakers or not. I've not seen this pairing often but it does not mean that it won't work.In power amps, the bass heft is, I believe, directly propo... 
Anything as " fast" as SPECTRAL gear?
I think Quiznos makes a much better sub - too bad that they didn't have their biz model under control. In my area, they have all but disappeared.... 
Anything as " fast" as SPECTRAL gear?
I note, btw, that the ARC Ref 150 has a specified 3 db bandwidth of 120 kHz (at 1 watt, with an 80 kHz "power bandwidth" also being specified), and JA's measurements indicate a bandwidth of approximately 100 kHz (for an 8 ohm load connected to the... 
Anything as " fast" as SPECTRAL gear?
02-06-15: BifwynneSo Al, what does that mean in the context of ARC ref amps. As I mentioned above, the slew rate for my amp (150 wpc) is a paltry 13 volts/microsecond and the rise time is a sluggish 2 microseconds. The top of the line Ref 750 has ... 
vintage versus modern speakers
VOLTAGE PARADIGM ? can anyone explain in everyday terms? Rocknnroller, here is a white paper written on Voltage/Power paradigm by Ralph of Atma-sphere:http://www.atma-sphere.com/Resources/Paradigms_in_Amplifier_Design.php 
vintage versus modern speakers
02-10-15: SchubertBombbaywalla, I agree with much/most of what you say.To my ears though one guy who does get things right with off the wall design is Anthony Gallo.Any thoughts on him?thanks, Schubert.I'm afraid not - I don't think i've heard any... 
vintage versus modern speakers
02-09-15: RunninBomb, at the end of the day, your following comment says all one needs to know about your bias.I've owned a few modern day speakers & if I find one today that sounds like real music, I wouldn't hesitate to buy itÂ….Runnin, I'm a... 
vintage versus modern speakers
02-09-15: RunninI'll guess we'll have to disagree then. yes, I think this would be the best. :-) The modern woofer/driver has long throw movement that wasn't possible in the 70's.ok, so? many vintage speakers never lacked a great bass foundation. ... 
vintage versus modern speakers
02-09-15: RunninWow, that was quite a post! LOL! :-) glad you "liked" it, Runnin....one more point to the OP - make sure that the speakers you select are suitable for the Voltage Paradigm (as opposed to the Power Paradigm) since you will be using ... 
vintage versus modern speakers
But now you can get that for a lot less money due to better manufacturing technology and materials.I disagree! Runnin, that's what I'm trying to say - today's newer materials have not necessarily translated into better sonics. For 99% of the speak... 
vintage versus modern speakers
I'm afraid that I have a mostly contrarian opinion that falls in-line with Timlub's thinking on vintage vs. modern speakers. I don't think that modern speakers are necessarily better SONICALLY than their vintage brethren. Yes, BUILD-wise, the mode...