

Responses from bombaywalla

Followup-Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
Is it possible to measure time coherence?Zd542 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)yes, Zd542 it is very much possible to measure time-coherence. For example, look at Fig 4, Fig 5 of the Quad ESL63 as measured by Stereophile & read the text immed... 
Followup-Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
Bombaywalla, I take it you are not a big fan of Maggies! Brownsfan, I wouldn't put this strongly. I've heard a couple of Magnepans - one was at a friend's house - I believe it was the MG12 - they were quite narrow & not very tall. He was using... 
Followup-Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
That's all great, but how does it help him in getting his Magnepan's sounding right?Zd542Zd542, I believe the answer to that question is: he cannot! This seems to be mostly in-line with Brownsfan's post where he is suggesting (Mye) stands & if... 
Followup-Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
07-23-14: BrownsfanBombawalla, thanks for sharing this info. I had not heard this idea, and I must admit it makes perfect sense....Brownsfan, yes, what I'm finding out is that a lot of people are quite unaware (& perhaps even ignorant) about l... 
Followup-Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
I also think it is extremely important with Maggie based systems to address RFI/EMI issues in the entire system. It is my belief that Maggies somehow reveal the high frequency grunge caused by these issues to a greater extent than most other speak... 
Sloped baffle
In light of Roy's feedback to the sound.westhost.com material, here is (what seems) a much better website to read up on quadrature signals. The article deals with complex signals but it is not complicated - the graphics make it much easier to unde... 
Sloped baffle
You are right Unsound, Audiomachina's website seems to be up-to-date (I saw one post dated June 9, 2014) so it seems that they are alive & well producing time-coherent speakers. Thanx for the correction.And, BTW, you guys have to read these "P... 
Sloped baffle
Hey guys I found this wonderful, very simple, animated essay from Pat McGinty (of Meadowlark) explaining time-coherence (in which he believed sincerely). Please read this (in the beginning he goes off the deep end relating the birth of the stars t... 
Sloped baffle
Bifwynne, Unsound,found this website of Meadowlark/Pat McGinty showing off all the Meadowlark speakers. I loved the looks of the Meadowlarks due to their superb wood finishes - always such a pleasure to see!http://www.patmcginty.com/index.html 
Sloped baffle
Bifwynne,unfortunately all of the companies stated in Unsound's post do NOT still make time-coherent speakers. (John) Dunlavy quit making his speakers long time back & I believe that he, unfortunately, is not with us anymore (correct me if I'm... 
Kimber 8TC beater?
Hi Bifwynne,did you get a chance to buy some Romex & compare it as a speaker cable vs. your Kimber? I would love to know what you discovered. Thanks. 
Sloped baffle
Thanks Roy for the detailed explanation. :-) Was very helpful, as always.OK, I wont put as much emphasis on the T/S parameters any more. I thought that I could read them & determine something about the quality of the driver. Not so, it seems.... 
Sloped baffle
07-17-14: Sounds_real_audioWouldn't it be easier just to tilt the speaker slightly backwards? tilting the speaker backwards attempts to merely align the acoustical centers of the drivers such that the sound from all the drivers reaches your ears a... 
Sloped baffle
Consider a simple two-way speaker having a first order crossover consisting of a capacitor in series with the tweeter, and an inductor in series with the woofer. For each driver that will result in well behaved 6 db/octave rolloff characteristics,... 
Cleaning lady and vacuum
07-16-14: SabaiClean your own room and don't let her in there.well said!! That's what I do personally. No cleaning woman in my audio room - spent many $ on expensive equipment to let an air-head in there who thinks that my stereo is merely generic...