

Responses from bombaywalla

Is DEQX a game changer?
Woo-hoo, Almarg!! :-)I was happy to read your post indeed & am looking forward to your personal experience with time-coherency thru DEQX. From my personal experience & from Bruce's experience I believe that you will be nothing short of ama... 
Sanders 10c/d + Magtech + tube preamp
Thanks, Cerrot. got it!looks like Roger uses active x-overs that use a line level signal from the preamp. I thought, for some reason, that Roger was using passive x-overs. not the case. 
Brands w/ first order x-over, time & phase aligned
Robertsong, I just re-read your topic heading which says "Brands w/ first order x-over, time & phase aligned".Your next speaker that you really want should be "TIME-COHERENT". Time-coherency is what it's all about & it is time-coherency th... 
Brands w/ first order x-over, time & phase aligned
Hi Unsound, the panel speakers I cited above (esp. with model numbers) I actually verified (at that time of posting) were 1st order x-overs. Others I cited more generically since I was not sure &/or could not verify were 1st order x-over. thanks. 
Brands w/ first order x-over, time & phase aligned
As Bifwynne indicated we had a very good discussion on 1st-order x-over speakers in the "Sloped Baffle" thread sometime back in July 2014. A cut & paste from that thread (which was in response to Bifwynne asking me which were the 1st order x-o... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
11-12-14: Kr4Got mine in the mail today!some insider benefits, Kal! ;-) some of will have to wait until the near end of Nov before we see the Dec issue.... 
USB power supply?
Paul79,i have no financial interest in Empirical Audio & neither "friends" with Steve other than thru this forum.I tend to agree with Jazzonthehudson that such blatant advertising is NOT the intention of these forums. I don't mind being pointe... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Bruce,good to read that you continue to like your purchase of DEQX & that you've come over to the side of time-aligned speakers. :-) Glad you recognize & hear what time-alignment can do for music playback - I feel that all my posts weren't... 
Sanders 10c/d + Magtech + tube preamp
One of the most effective attribuites of Rogers design (and why his stats perform so incredibly well) is the external crossover. You really don't want your amps "seeing" a crossover. You want it "seeing" the drivers. Cerrot, i really don't underst... 
Bass trapping - corners or walls?
I have experience with the ASC Tube Traps as I've been using them now for over 10 yrs. in my room. I love them & despite the fact that they do not have a high WAF I would not replace them w/ any other trap device.I agree with Drummermitchell t... 
Amazed by Blue Tooth finally.
Czarivey,this is unusual because Bluetooth by its very definition has lower bandwidth than USB. An audio file requires more bandwidth than Bluetooth can provide to provide CD-like quality. Unless your Subaru has aptX technology already built into ... 
My wife passed yesterday
sorry to read about your loss, Chayro. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you. All the best in dealing with this loss.You were a very lucky fellow i have to say if she did not criticize you for indulging in audio - rare are such wives. it ... 
RMAF 2014 Observations
10-16-14: LarrystainIt's amazing how two people can react so differently to the same thing. I felt that the Lancshe speakers with Ypsilon sounded veiled and dull.I don't think you read my post correctly -* firstly I was talking about the Lansche 7... 
RMAF 2014 Observations
Philb7777, thanx for your detailed impressions of RMAF2014. Last year they had the Lansche 7.0 - a mighty tall speaker standing at 7-feet! - and also driven by Ypsilon electronics. The sound was really fantastic - probably the best of the 2013 sho... 
AudiogoN Inception Date?
10-13-14: CzariveyYep, we're all just visitors here...I think "We are all just prisoners here of our own device"10-14-14: EbmI stay up nights thinking about this.LOL!! :-D