

Responses from bombaywalla

Power everything
2. I started the Op off with the very basics in the concept of Power. Now we've moved on to the advanced class. That's OK.Lowrider57thanks Lowrider57 for taking the initiative to get Azjake pointed in the right direction. I'm also hoping some othe... 
Power everything
02-01-15: Lowrider57Very simply put, a pwr conditioner lowers AC line noise and EMF interference. Now that the noise level in your system is lower, you can hear more detail in the music.I would like to disagree & would like to add that most pa... 
Tuners that do it?
I'll chime in here - i Have 2 tuners - one analog, a Technics ST-8077 & the other 1/2 analog & 1/2 digital, a Sansui TU-99X. like another member here I also sent my analog tuner to Don Scott who was very generous with his time & effort... 
What is the answer?
Al,i read only the 1st link - hilarious indeed!!! LOL!! 
Define power hungry...B&W speakers
Lewinskih01,thanks for clarifying - indeed, I did misread your post! :-0well, we do agree to disagree w.r.t. SS being better for B&W. But I will agree with you that the huge tube power amps (like the VTLs you mentioned) will do much better tha... 
Define power hungry...B&W speakers
Lewinskih01, All,please do not mis-read my post to mean that selling price is a direct measure of audio performance. it is not. In this case of the RB1080 & the MC275 it just so happens that the selling price does reflect the superior performa... 
Define power hungry...B&W speakers
Thanks for your input Levinskih01 - good for you that you liked the (more expensive) MC275 over the Rotel 1080. :-)Your comparison is not exactly fair but those were the 2 amps you had on-hand, I understand.The RB1080 sold for $990 when it was new... 
Define power hungry...B&W speakers
Tntate,i found these measurements for the next rev of your speakers - B&W 705:http://www.stereophile.com/content/bw-705-loudspeaker-measurementscould not find any such measurements for your CDM-1NT speakers but my guess (from my personal exper... 
Define power hungry...B&W speakers
B&W's are traditionally easy to drive 8 ohm speakers and watts are cheap! wow! that's a new one on me. B&Ws are easy to drive 8 ohms speakers? Really? I did not know this - from my experience & every time I've heard them they've been n... 
Define power hungry...B&W speakers
search the archives of the forums here at Audiogon. this topic has been discussed over & over again - plenty of info available for you to read.... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
question out loud how folks who spend a small fortune on top of the line speakers can even know how good their speakers sound if they have a screwed up room. So, even if one owned time aligned speakers like Vandies or GMAs, all the time alignment... 
Question about quality of Meadowlark
1-21-14: OblgnyHello there 9 years late. I bought a pair of used, mildly cosmetically compromised Kestrels in April 2013 and I just have to say that I would have been happy paying double that for them. They're incredibly musical with bass that is ... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Lewinskih01, i thought that we had a lengthy debate on Acourate in the "Sloped Baffle" thread with Roy Johnson & others & we (mainly Roy J) concluded that Acourate did not have the Math right to correctly check the impulse response of the ... 
Who do you trust?
If I were paying money, I would expect more professionalism from my journalist. ;^)Jmcgrogan2 nobody paid for an ad in that article - it was a "free-loader" taking advantage - that's why the spell-checker was turned off.. (written with tongue firm... 
Who do you trust?
Mechans,here is that article from 6moons that says that he's charging ad money starting June/July 2014. Scroll down in the article about midway to the para that begins with "So here's the upshot...."http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews2/why/why.html