

Responses from bombaywalla

Jeff Rowland
always look up to Mr. Rowland.. (He's very, very tall :)indeed he is. I met him at the 2013 RMAF - on Sat he was running the demos himself in the afternoon (had the 525 amp driving the Raidho stand mounts which were crazy priced). I'm tall but no... 
Jeff Rowland
03-07-15: KijankiRicred1, I stated 22% loudness increase, but it would be true for 2x loudness. I forgot that bridging doubles the output voltage, thus quadruples the power. In such case you can count on (substantial) 49% loudness increase. Speake... 
Did you see this e-article in Yahoo news today??
Rlwainwright,my 1st point was supposed to be very tongue-in-cheek (hence the exclamation mark) but I did not know a better way to show that in my post. Agree, his prices for those 2 particular albums is ludicrous.the other 3 points: it was refresh... 
Class D at low volume
03-04-15: KijankiBombaywalla, Linear power supplies have regulation in preamps, DACs etc. but MOST of power amps are unregulated because of the amount of heat dissipated in power supply (and loss of efficiency).agree. There might a small change ha... 
Class D at low volume
SMPS have line and load regulation. Amplifier with SMPS keeps composure during power peaks since voltage does not sag, like it often happens in linear power supplies.linear power supplies have line & load regulation as well, don't they? one co... 
Class D at low volume
03-04-15: Mitch2I think the audio SMPS has finally developed to a point where it is has a low enough noise floor & can handle large currents in a compact size.The Acoustic Imagery Atsahs use the Hypex/Ncore SMPS 1200 switch mode power supply a... 
Class D at low volume
03-03-15: KijankiClass D (PWM) can be easily constructed without negative feedback at all. I wasn't aware of this. how does the PWM system know that it's tracking the input if there is no feedback? Can you please point me to some references?but c... 
Class D at low volume
It's my understanding that class D power conversion modules typically use high levels of global feedback. The input signal is constantly being compared to the output signal (thousands of times per second) prior to the output signal being amplified... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
02-28-15: BifwynneRoscoe ... how are you making out with your DEQX? maybe i should pull my mind out of the gutter. LOL! ;-)"faring"?seriously, yes, this is the big question i would also like the answer to. do we have another convert into the time-... 
Best speaker for songs like Heart - Alone
02-22-15: RockpantherThanks for some suggestions folks! I have not got many specific recommendations of speakers and amp. So I hope for more suggestions what to check out!It's more important for me to compromise, it's not so important that fantast... 
Best internet radio stations. ??
02-18-15: Paogorman2001I like radio tunes (old Sky fm). Their smooth jazz channels are terrific+1.I also like their "Dave Koz & Friends" & "Downtempo Lounge" channels. 
Best speaker for songs like Heart - Alone
Yet another victim of (speaker) phase distortion & the lack of time-coherency in his speakers!!! ;-) (the electronics is certainly not above blame here but w/o knowing what electronics was used with which speaker, it's hard to say anything mor... 
Power conditioners: Shunyata and PS Audio
Rfprice, your AC power situation can be improved by (1) using dedicated lines for your audio & (2) using a regenerator or power conditioner.I use a PS Audio P300 regenerator & my need stemmed mostly from the fact that i needed TT speed con... 
Anything as " fast" as SPECTRAL gear?
BTW, re "the two most technically knowledgeable," let's not overlook Bombaywalla, who is certainly no slouch when it comes to EE technical matters, and perhaps some of the others who have responded as well.thank you, Almarg, for the acknowledgemen... 
vandersteen 2ce sig ii listening distance and tilt
now, a little more info, my ear height is 42-43". which seems high! and i know again from the manual that non titled speakers are time aligned to 33". i'm a taller person so my only other choice is to get a lower seat which is most likely not goin...