

Responses from bombaywalla

NOS DAC's without any digital filtering?
09-29-15: KijankiThere is a difference between upsampling and oversampling, I completely agree but I don't think everyone gets it. You see people lump over & upsampling together & often use it interchangeably. There's a difference in the D... 
Bottlehead Crack
Thanks for your kind words Philjolet. :-) 
High power vs bi amp low power?
biamping is waste of time and resources.Czarivey 09-28-15: Pacmi03I agree with Czarivey bi amps are a waste of money.i find this very hard to believe...... 
Bottlehead Crack
Philjolet, great! let us know how the HD600-Crack combination works out. Will it be all that its Cracked out to be? Will you get high on it? ;-D 
Bottlehead Crack
It uses a 12AU7A as its input stage, and a 6080 in a cathode follower configuration as its output stage. The output is capacitively coupled (the only cap in the audio path), and has an output impedance of about 120 Ohms making it an amp suited mai... 
NOS DAC's without any digital filtering?
love your post Bcgator! :-D 
NOS DAC's without any digital filtering?
09-26-15: RobertsongBombaywalla, your explanations have been super helpful for me. thanks for your kind words. Glad i could be of assistance.yeah I know what you mean about trolling the internet for all this info. And, there is a LOT of bad & ... 
NOS DAC's without any digital filtering?
09-25-15: RobertsongOkay, that makes complete sense now. Thanks!So even with a NOS DAC I assume there is still benefit of using hi-res files? Why would somebody want to up-sample redbook in their software (foobar, JRMC, Amarra, etc.)? I haven't tr... 
Who mods class D/digital amps?
woofer72,when i read your input impedance numbers of 10K balanced & 3K unbalanced I was sure you made a typo but i checked at the webpage you gave us a link to in your other post. you stated these numbers correctly.the 3K unbalanced input impe... 
Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?
geez!! you said it with a straight-face that i did not get the joke. Sorry! ;-) 
Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?
welcome Mitch2. glad that i could be of assistance in this matter.I think the reason bi-wiring from a single amplifier causes so much discussion is that it is sort of a poor man's bi-amping ....... Mitch2 oh boy! I really hope that you are wrong i... 
NOS DAC's without any digital filtering?
09-24-15: RobertsongBombaywalla, I think the confusion was....when I mentioned "aliasing", I actually meant the "pre-ringing" associated with steeper filter slopes from lower sampling rates (ie. 44.1khz). I thought this was same thing. I have hear... 
Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?
Perhaps not, and of course there isn't a standard, but the amplifier output originates from a single positive pole and a single negative pole. Therefore, assuming only a small L/C/R effect from the speaker cables, is not the relative current draw ... 
Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?
09-23-15: Mitch2It sure would be easier if there were "standards" in the audio world, like providing only a single pair of binding posts on speakers.Mitch2, there cannot be a standard in audio for providing 1 or 2 pairs of binding posts on a speak... 
NOS DAC's without any digital filtering?
I immediately thought of Ebm as well when I read Roxy54's post. Some of his snidy posts make me laugh.good to know he's joking because sometimes I cannot be sure - he writes with such a straight-face.let's see if he posts here now or not...