

Responses from bombaywalla

Sanders 10B Electrostatic
Albert, I hope member Cerrot will chime in. He owns the latest rev of Sanders' speakers - the ones w/ the aluminum woofer; i *think* it's the 10D but I'm not sure. If you look at his system, he's using Sanders' Magtech amps as well.The electrostat... 
What's your "diminishing returns" preamp choice?
07-15-15: Zd542I buy audio components for the status they place me in the audiophile community. For me, the law of diminishing returns runs backwards. The more I spend, the better the value.and you forgot to write that we respect you more & mo... 
Need help with Apogee Centaur Major
Rsjm80, Ponnie, apogeespeakers.com might not be able to help as, in the past, he has clearly stated that there are no replacement ribbons for Apogee hybrid speakers viz. Centaur & Slant, etc. He might have changed his stance recently but that ... 
Zero autoformers -- how to measure impedance?
Ryan, congratulations and thanks for the nice words!!agree. thanks for nice words. 
Zero autoformers -- how to measure impedance?
6-17-15: Angelgz2Hi Al and BombaywallaThanks for the inputs. I am glad that the zeros didn't fry. My bad, the -22.6 is in mV as indicated on the multimeter.Whew!! glad that it was just missing the "mV" units....6-17-15: Angelgz2I did another measu... 
Zero autoformers -- how to measure impedance?
other than the meter, and with the component driving the amp turned on but not providing a signal.I re-read Almarg's post & he did say that the above in quotes. From my experience I've found ANYTHING connected to the amp while measuring the D... 
Zero autoformers -- how to measure impedance?
I hope I didn't fry the zeros did I? I mean, how can they be fried since they didn't get hot at all and I've only ran them on the NAD unit for no more than 2 hours. you probably did not fry the Zero since the DC offset from the NAD must have been ... 
Has Linn Gone Crazy? They Stopped Making Pre-Amps
Mateored, thanks for your detailed replies & insight into Linn systems. I have very little experience with Linn myself. It is interesting that they are following the approach taken by Meridian (Boothroyd-Stuart Meridian) which also likes the "... 
Jeff Rowland
If I don't think the Continuum is a big enough difference, I will sell my 525 and look for a used/demo 625 mk1....+1 Almarg, Zd542. Ricred1, before you sell off your M525 in the event the Continuum integrated is not a major step-up in SQ, do try u... 
Zero autoformers -- how to measure impedance?
Oh, I see! Thanks for this info, Almarg. I didn't know the OP had another paralller thread running. 
Jeff Rowland
Ricred1,great! thanks for the update. looks like you are good to go w/ the M525. You now know that you won't have a melted output stage with the Aerial 7T's 1.5 ohms in bridged mode.Still......I would give heed to Almarg's suggestion (which was al... 
Recent experience with Gershman Avant Garde
ok, cool Zd542. in cars, as in audio, to each his own. Glad to know you like dull & boring in your cars. I have to agree there is something good in that when you know your daily car is reliable & will do its job with zero drama. :-) 
Recent experience with Gershman Avant Garde
Just like a BMW.Zd542 is that your opinion of a BMW? which model in particular? or, all of them? if not a BMW, which other auto brand would you consider not "dull & flat"? Curious minds would like to know. thanks. 
Zero autoformers -- how to measure impedance?
Assume nothing so here goes -* how have you connected the Zero xformers? I.E. did you connect them up in division mode? Or, did you connect them up in multiplication mode? If you connected them in multiplication mode then the side that has only 2 ... 
Jeff Rowland
06-14-15: GuidocoronaRichard, if you ask the question above to Jeff, please explain that 7Ts speakers go down to a relatively reasonable 3 Ohms under normal conditions.... 1.5 Ohms may occur only in theory with a bridged amp... You do not want to ...