

Responses from bombaywalla

Did Redbook get it right?
06-03-15: LloydcThe engineers at the time knew very well that the spec was inadequate, ....Lloydc, on what basis do say that the "spec was inadequate"? thanks. 
Did Redbook get it right?
i personally think you are correct Electroslacker that redbook CD got it right from the get-go & that it's taken us 20-30 yrs to figure out how to make playback systems that can give us a high SQ without "digititis". Listening to a well made C... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Thanks for the detailed update Almarg. Looks like you are making steady progress with the HDP-5. It's time consuming but that's the nature of the beast. The hardwork is all in the prep (pretty much like home-owner projects) to make good measuremen... 
is there a difference between 192 dac and 96?
Shel50,yes, there is but it depends on your hearing abilities & the quality of your electronics + speakers. Both 96KHz/24-bit & 192KHz/24-bit D/A converters use different algorithms to convert the music data stream to 96/24 or 192/24 and i... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Thanks for the feedback Mike_in_nc. My friend used to have a TacT - wasn't the 2.2X but an earlier version - and he sold it shortly after he bought it. I think he owned it a year +/-. He said the same thing - there was a grain/hardness & said ... 
Things Have Changed
yeah, Rja, things have changed. Streaming is the thing today & not CDPs like it once used to be..... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Thanks again Bifwynne. Glad I was able to contribute.Very good responses from Almarg & Drewan77 esp. his feedback from personal usage over the past 3 yrs. I've also heard Magicos sometime back & agree with Almarg's findings.Agree with Unso... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Thank you for the kind works Bifwynne.Yes, correct - for those who cannot & will not buy time-coherent speakers DEQX is one answer to the problem. And, I believe the DEQX people were smart when they realized that the room acoustics play an imp... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Btw, you referred to "time alignment" and "time coherence." What is the difference between the two terms?Bifwynnesorry, I got side-tracked with my other hobby - photography. Processing some pix from a recent air-show & looking into other lens.... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
05-20-15: Bifwynne...... For example, any thoughts if I were to invest in a pair of Vandies which start out time aligned?Hi Bifwynne, if you haven't already, you might want to read the following Vandersteen Seven loudspeaker review in the Speaker ... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Bifwynne,Vandersteens are not only time-aligned, they are time-coherent which is the superset & what you want in the 1st place. If you decide to pull the trigger on Vandys, get the 5A or higher. They are expensive but the sonics will surpass y... 
Gain stages on Preamp
yeah, I see what you are saying - the flexibility is good but you have one more distortion-creating device in your signal chain which is not good IMO but if it works for you-great! :-) I feel it's better to have minimum electronics in one's signal... 
Gryphon Diablo 300
agree with George that it must be a BJT output device.agree with Raindog031 that it's a monster power output for an integrate in the on-going tradition of Gryphon Audio. I really like their stuff but I do find it a bit dark sonically. 
Gain stages on Preamp
same thing (synonym) Czarivey - voltage dividers, attenuators. they reduce/attenuate the voltage coming out of the preamp. 
Is Vinyl Worth It
05-19-15: ViridianI feel the same about having chosen a real wife over a blow up doll. LOL! I had a good chuckle reading this one!! ;-)it's been written/said before - anything with boobs or wheels is going to be a lot of fun but it will give you p...