

Responses from bombaywalla

Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.
wolf_garcia, if you are referring to my post then I'd like to say that i wasn't trying to give any musician short shrift.... ;-)…the emotional connection of hearing early Beatles on the dash mounted speaker of a car radio in 1965? Unforgettable. t... 
Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.
I have listened to a few speakers over the years that impressed me with their accuracy and presentation of the music, but just did not create an emotional response or connection.Sunnyjim, I'm not sure I follow what you are saying here (maybe i do ... 
question about ss or tubes
ok, thanx,yeah, i know that audio shows are hectic & there are always regrets that one did not go back to a certain (or certain number of) room. I've had that experience personally at the RMAFs that i;ve attended..... 
question about ss or tubes
thanx for the response fourwnds. i also have the Madeleine Peyroux Careless Love album & I like it as well. Tell me more - which track & what you heard at the audio show that 'stunned' you...you did not offend me in any way so no apology r... 
question about ss or tubes
However I know I'm missing some detail and it has me contemplating a phono stage and I'm just wondering would I am just wondering how you know (& it seems you know for sure) that you are missing details in the music? "Details" in music is not ... 
Who are the most underground high-end companies
a few auto-correct typos - please excuse.good to see that a few others mentioned Green Mtn Audio - I 2nd.Also, 2nd Scott Nixon - I’ve his non-oversampling DAC in my bedroom system that uses the Philips TDA1541/43 chipset. Excellent sonics. I think... 
Who are the most underground high-end companies
i've a few for you Taters:Selah Audio in NC - you hear a little about them now & then. They make very good sound line-array speakers & the owner is a very good person to talk to.Moon Audio - Drew Baird runs this operation from Raleigh/Durh... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Almarg, good to read your 12-02-2015 post where you wrote that making your speakers time-coherent has been very beneficial to you. :-) Great to read this. :-) Great to see that now there are 2 independent members who've put in much effort to go th... 
Why Audiophiles need cats .. watch short video
Funny!ive been good so far. Good to see that u r upto ur usual pranks!😄 
Constant whining coming from ...
Dave, you've not changed in all these years! still the prankster...... :-D 
The Hifi Trajectory Of Class D Amplifiers
Ten years later, film cameras have been surpassed by digital cameras and are nearly extinct. Mitch4t, I'm not sure I agree with your on this statement. Yes, digital cameras are everywhere & millions of people have gotten into "photography" as ... 
What vintage speaker might you use today
My recommendation would be* Apogee - any model such as Stage, Diva, Scintilla (I own one at present), Caliper. * ESL 57, ESL 63 (as Almarg also recommended)* Tannoy - Gold series monitor, Little Red, Super Red, System DMT II (i.e. series 2. The se... 
repair shop for FM Acoustics
you might be SOL here Prcinka in that you might have to ship it back to FM Ac in CH.There used to be & maybe still is an FM Acoustics dealer in Co Springs (I've met the person & been to his house to listen to some FM Acoutics gear a couple... 
Solid State Amplifier Advancements In A Decade
11-06-15: MapmanCapacitors and or other electronic parts alone make no sound and therefore have no inherent sound quality.c'mon Mapman, I did not expect you to make such a ludicrous statement!!! You know that electronic parts have a sonic signatur... 
Solid State Amplifier Advancements In A Decade
Almarg,thanks for your post & factual corrections.maybe i should have given Mark Levinson some more credit but I lost a lot of respect for him when he lost control of his own company esp. after doing pioneering work in the field. which kind of...