
Responses from bob_bundus

Will Microsoft kill DVD-A and SACD?
y'all hold gates & microsludge arrogance in the same esteem as myself. I'm really extremely sorry to hear that they're involved as surely this spells the death of a great format due to corporate incompetence. Those clowns couldn't build a comp... 
What's up with HDCD?
Microsoft has adopted HDCD encoding algorithm standard for PC sound, but Pacific Microsonics owns the technology. An HDCD decoder in any machine will make even 16 bit CD's sound better still. Then once you get involved in the 20 bit HDCD discs, at... 
ZERO Feedback talk. Monarchy amps.
Ayre Acoustics also builds exemplary specimens of solid state zero feedback class A designs; I own one - it's power hungry but very smooth indeed 
Question regarding power cord upgrade
Ed's question: will a grounded cord fit my machine? Likely it will if the IEC's are the same shape, but the Meridian simply lacking the third ground-pin. In that case the third wire simply sits unused & not connected at the load end, no proble... 
Specifications Bandwidth: 19 Hz - 25 kHz ...?
Agree with you both: Todd's opine that wider bandwidth is more desirable along with R's assertion that unqualified half-spec's don't mean a whole lot to anyone.As always; caveat emptor 
Dialectric grease any thoughts
Tim I'd be very hesitant to use any oily substances on contacting surfaces. Even Caig pro-gold contains an oil which is supposed to prevent contact oxidation, but what sonic signature might this impart?Under the hood of a car you'll find electrica... 
What's up with HDCD? 
Any problems using biwire cbls on single post Spkr
yes that will work fine I've done the same thing previously 
Volume Controls that Accept 12 Guage??
If your Kimber is stranded cable, as many are, simply cut off a few of the outer strands from the bundle, sizing down until it will fit your L-pad's terminals. 
What cable Oracle table to Rotel Phono?
Might be a DIN connector?Try Cable Company at www.fatwyre.comthey can probably tell you 'what it is' and recommend a cable as well. 
Talk About Static Cling...
OK I did some testing last night. Zaik's theory that static builds up simply via platter rotation turns out to be correct in my case - after a 20 minute spin without the stylus engaged I still get that static cling. I then neutralized with Zerosta... 
Bridge or not to bridge
as a rule, bridging significantly degardes damping factor. Listening tests are in order to determine possible effects in your own rig. 
What happened to Jonathan Scull?
by god it's just a bloody thin-mintMr. Kreosote 
Right Channel is Wrong...
David you can & should always turn off the PA first in order to avoid the pre. etc. introducing damaging transients upon power down. Conversely, the PA should always be the last component that you power up during a turn-on sequence. Last on; f... 
Talk About Static Cling...
this is getting interesting: I've considered the insulating properties of my extremely thin "analog survival kit" mat & agree that is probably aggravating the situation. I do want to try spinning the platter for ~20 min. without the stylus eng...