
Responses from bob_bundus

How long do the speakers last before a service?
There have ben cases where the butyl foam surrounds around woofers deteriorates over time - it's happened to me with a pair of approx. 12-year-old CTS 15's. But it's not a major problem because the woofers can be re-foamed or even completely re-co... 
How do you get the "real" feel of music?
Beetle a dynamic range expander is just another 'fix' (like Eq) that you'd be better off without, keeping the signal path cleaner & simpler; 2 fewer pairs of cabling for the signal to go thru as well, not to mention their extra cost. But if yo... 
How do you get the "real" feel of music?
Hi Zaik your points are well taken & are nicely explained. My rec's however were also meant to be taken within the context of Beetle's existing equipment - he's using "affordable" hardware vs. the 'pricier' equipment that you suggest, which ma... 
Dialectric grease any thoughts
What's strange about that scenario Tom is that Ultraconnect etc. is supposed to *remove* all of the crusty stuff, leaving nothing behind. It seems that because the solvent did impart a sonic signature of its own, that in fact the solvent did leave... 
How do you get the "real" feel of music?
Great suggestions Joe: I forgot about the Tannoys especially & I do like them! But B&W's no way - extremely inefficient. Flat response yes, nonresonant yes, accurate yes, but slam & dynamics - no. 
How do you get the "real" feel of music?
Indiana & Bomarc above probably offer your only hope here. You want *dynamics* Beetle - that's what you're missing now, but don't despair because you can get that too. It will take some experimentation, but you can approach the dynamics of liv... 
Cleaner AC Source for Better Sound
Mot check out the offerings from Chang Lighspeed. A 6 outlet model 3200 runs about $300 list; this is fine for your source components but perhaps not your amp though, since it's fairly high powered. The model 6400 ISO has higher current capability... 
Dialectric grease any thoughts
I'd heard that thay made a change in formulation of Ultraconnect but fortunately I have the old version; thanks for the report tweak. When I run out I'll stick with Kontact. How did you get it off? Pure Denatured alcohol (without the lanolin, wate... 
Nordost ECO 3 Static Inhibitor anyone?
NO NO NO rubbing alcohol - contains Lanolin - an oilTHE WORST thing you could possibly abuse your equipment with 
Nordost ECO 3 Static Inhibitor anyone?
Right Glen - you spray the Endust on a blue lintfree paper towel & use that to clean faceplates, video display screens, you name it. Also for application to the label side of CD's it does improve the sound of some, but not others. I've used it... 
Nordost ECO 3 Static Inhibitor anyone?
try Endust for Electronics, an equally effective antistatic spray at about 1/4 the price of eco3 
Need Help with Popping Noise from Speaker
poor design or bad/leaky coupling capacitorwhenever you get switching pops that's an indication of DC potential where it doesn't belong 
Dialectric grease any thoughts
Sean I think you're referring to ConductoLube, a silver impregnated type of grease. I've used it successfully on large industrial DC battery wet cell systems; the connections between cells are made with open frame lead plated buss bar.Cheech - rub... 
What companies have gone above and beyond?
VPIAyre Acoustics' Charles Hansen 
Breaking in cables with FM static
Brian wants to break in speaker cables, so he's gonna have to put up with some noise alright.Could build yourself some 4 ohm dummy loads with power resistor networks vs. driving the speakers though.