
Responses from bob_bundus

Power Cords - Pixie Dust?
OK Dave sounds good - but I'm only going for it if it's that new cryo'd dust & then burned in on a cooker for 25 years or so... 
Cassette deck head wear
agree that Dolby C breathes & pumps levels excessivelydon't forget to degauss those heads & capstans, even though you're not having to clean very often 
Flabby bass from tube CD player - Break in??
experiment with:tube rollingupgrade AC cordsinterconnectscones, shelving, footers 
Power Cords - Pixie Dust?
Acoustic Sounds' catalog had a special AC cord for use in the turntable motor application; it's about $300, I think, (if even available anymore - I don't see it one their website?). I'm about as incredulous as you about this one Jack, but then aga... 
Any pinnacle-quality SS unbalanced gear out there?
Accuphase components are available in either iteration, but I went with the unbalanced myself (because all of my ancilliary components & cabling are unbalanced) & this equipment can definitely compete. Probably wouldn't mix this with Burme... 
Audio Magic Stealth it is
Audio Magic is now showing their new Matrix AC line conditioner at CES. I've been told that indeed it betters the Stealth. Sounds to me like a must-hear to audition. Lists for $3200 including an upgrade input cord. 
CES 2003 - Any Audition/Picture Requests?
Mike I've heard that Audio Magic is debuting a new AC line conditioner called the "Matrix". If you can check into that I'm sure many of us would be interested; you are no doubt already aware of the reputation of their "Stealth" line conditioner. 
Help Save Klipcsh from B & O
"HF grainy" equipment driving a Klipsch doesn't sound to me like a good combination; I'd think that those horns would tear you up - soooo revealing. Richard's report is interesting though & perhaps a certain synergy was found using a given com... 
Black Diamond Racing products under speakers?
geez Max - you mean you're not going for the Vibraplanes? $$$$$ :) 
How to dim LED light?
No big deal is right ... it's even easier to remove that mod than it is to install it, but that's from the perspective of one who wields an iron on a daily basis. Perhaps not the optimum answer for the uninitiated, but if it was me then it's defin... 
Reaction to : Bedini-Ultra Clarifier II
come on now Sean you "need" it & y'all "know it" :)Richard I dunno about sprays & SACD, but I'm talking about the *label* side not the data side. Regarding marker pens, my only experience was with the black Auric Illuminator pen marker, wh... 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
rather doubtful that a Scandanavian manufacturer has ever heard of this website, let alone be familiar with it or the large international audience that subscribes? Ernie did you at least provide them the URL hyperlink for this thread. Now whether ... 
Marsh A400s or McCormackDNA225?
The Marsh is highly thought of, for its price. But considering that B&W's are quite power hungry I believe the DNA225 would be the better fit in this application. Or if you can, spring for the DNA500? 
250 watts: why so much power?
Paraphasing the better explanation:the ability to play music at a moderately loud level without the distortion and compression you would hear when using a lower powered amp that is "clipping". Its about your amp being able to handle the demanding ... 
How to dim LED light?
how about doing this the *right* way: solder splice a 1/4 watt resistor in series with the LED. Experiment with resistor values until you find the preferred intensity, or use a variable pot around 1k-ohm. If using fixed resistors, start out around...