
Responses from bob_bundus

turntable mat- helpful, harmful, or doesn't matter
Come on now Marty let's quit picking on poor litle ole' Martha...John the VTA is analog-speak for Vertical Tracking Angle. It's the angle of attack between stylus & record groove surface. By addng a mat, effectively raising platter height, the... 
Amp hums when on same circuit as line conditioner
whatever you do, do not install any type of GFI protector. These are the 2nd worst noise producers around, aside from many cheap light dimmers. Having no connection to earth ground is a likely cause of the symptoms however. 
How do I reduce the overall gain in my preamp ?
Hi AlbertDweller's suggestion is definitely the best of the above. If you aren't able to follow the mod instructions for lack of technical know-how, a local repair shop should do this for you fairly inexpensively. Retain the mod instructions for f... 
How to handle Clicks and pops
It's quite likely coming from your source.Swap another source into the same input port, using the same cables to troubleshoot via process of elimination. 
turntable mat- helpful, harmful, or doesn't matter
But, I'm wondering if using the mat between the LP and the platter affects the sound/resonance/transfer of vibration coupling...etc.Yes - Different mats do sound different, perhaps for better or for worse. Addition of any mat will change VTA, so i... 
CD player start up delay
Carl first try one of those CD lens cleaning discs to ensure that the lens isn't dust covered. If that doesn't help, then you are likely experiencing the symptoms of a degrading laser pickup which requires technical expertise to replace & prop... 
AudioQuest RF Stoppers
Hi Mark if you think the AI L1 is causing high idle noise (which it probably is, being tubed) then simply turn it off. Does the noise diminish? Next, disconnect your interconnects from the power amp & see what changes; my guess is, that won't ... 
Proper grounding technique needed
Russel you might need to experiment with different grounding scheme's to find the preferred approach for your particular situation. Typically all grounds from the turntable should connect to the ground screw on the phono stage, ie: connect separat... 
Can you ever have too much power?
Rogo - within reason you cannot have too much power. Amplifier-control of the speakers is one issue, headroom is another equally if not more important issue. My speakers are rated 100w/ch, but they consistently sound better with a 200w/ch amp, or ... 
Would sand help my amp?
For "tiziness" address line conditioning, upgrade AC cords, & cabling compatibility issues. However, distortion only at high levels is probably just simply amplifier output-clipping, where the unit is running out of gas. Insulating an amp in a... 
VPI SDS or Powerplant for speed control?
Your PS Audio dealer is selling for his own benefit, not yours, & is either misinformed or is fabricating "facts".I have personal experience with the SDS. The truth is that the SDS is more than a high stability waveform regenenator with a vari... 
Dedicated power lines-getting started
Greh you really need to input a query to the forum search engine:"dedicated line" ,, "dedicated circuit"You'll find more information there than you know what to do with.There are already so many posts on this subject that many of us don't even res... 
Audiophile Artwork? Posters? Anything?
I say we get Steroephile to run some foldouts! ;-0 
Tightening binding posts problem
Stehno's suggestion is the same method that I've used quite successfully for many years. Try to get a grip with a socket around the post (just use your fingers around the socket - don't torque too liberally with a ratchet driver or you may strip t... 
Power Conditioning for a mid-fi system.
An economical approach is the Wireworld Electrafier AC power strip available from Cable Company (& also Audio Advisor I believe, they also have the PS Audio AC strip, & another model for around $200). The AC cord is detachable on these str...