
Responses from bob_bundus

Help - amp going into safe mode
If you have access to instrumentation then try having a look at it yourselves, not in an attempt to repair but simply as a diagnostic. You're correct in that Stereo Exchange is asking WAY too much just to have a peek at it; a complete repair job m... 
vibrapods or cones?
Why not use both? My favorite "sandwich": Component on top, Cones beneath component, Black Diamond (or your preferred shelf) beneath cones, Vibrapods below the shelf (pods are sitting on your rack). Tune by experimenting with various types of cone... 
The "D" word...Has audio ever caused it?
Calculate the blue book market values of all your equipment. Those are 'community' assets, along with everything else of course. You get half & she gets half of the total assets. If you want to keep the gear vs. liquidating, then you're gonna ... 
Rudeness With 'net Sales
You just take the good with the bad... the good far outweighing my few unpleasant online experiences. Life in general is about tradeoffs; in this case you put up with some annoyances, but look at the $ saved compared to retail! The $/annoyance rat... 
Zen preamp: dollar for dollar the best?
is this claim backed by a money-back guarantee? If so, then you're only out their shipping charges for trying... 
old zz top recordings
Kelton this has all been said before & you certainly aren't alone bro. The old ZZ lp's rocked hard: tight band & rock-solid slam! The artificial ambience which was added into the remasters completely ruined that magic - what a letdown. IMO... 
To Preamp or not to Preamp, that is my q
One other consideration beside output Z (impedance) of the Dennon CDP is the drive level capability. If it's capable of driving the PA to full output power then I probably wouldn't use a preamp in your situation. Compare the Dennon's max. output v... 
Which volume do i use?
Taking a safe approach: Connect the CD straight into the P.A. then crank up the attenuator to the loudest level you'd ever want to operate at, or until clipping, whichever occurs first. Note that CD attenuator setting. Then when you connect throug... 
Candles are lit, lights are down low
Grover Washington: Limelight. any Andreas Vollenweider. Dire Straits: Love Over Gold (or) Brothers In Arms. Brian Ferry: Taxi. Roxy's Avalon also gets my vote (great suggestion there Sutts). any Kenny G. Shadowfax. Santana: Supernatural. And for '... 
racks and shelves
What is your favorite color? African or European Swallow? "I don't know that!" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... 
Close your eyes and hear the music ?
Agree with eyes closed, darkened room, glasses off, light up some candles &/or incense, clothing optional (as I haven't noticed a sonic difference in that respect). Unless S.O. accompanies me on the sofa late at night, in which case the audio ... 
Phase Inverted Recordings
Wire: I wonder if a "list" would be of much use? I've found that some recordings sound better inverted, some are better non-inverted, some didn't make much difference either way, and some even vary from track to track. I've read of certain 'philes... 
Most annoying Stereo magazine claim
I was especially annoyed by Stereophile's review of Belles' amps; "not the greatest in resolution but extremely musical" (my paraphrase). I tried the 150 version & was so underwhelmed I thought something had to be seriously wrong with me or my... 
Right channel distortion
Paul's suggestiions are very good. Also be sure that your cables & jacks connections are clean - do you use contact cleaner? You can either take the shotgun approach (all at once) or if you really want to know what the cuprit is/was, then do t... 
Cardas Caps Worthwhile?
Cornfed have you read in your Accuphase manual where it tells you to NOT use contact cleaner on interior jack connections? They advise that cleaning solvents could deteriorate pc board resins at the connection point. This being the case, it's cert...