
Responses from bob_bundus

Bose Infomercial
"you can fool some people all of the time, all people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time" 
RPG Skyline mounting on ceiling
Hi Gregm will now try to answer your question ... (we've been away for holiday so I just got back online). I'm no expert regarding room treatments, but this one corner with boomy bass is apparent as I walk around the listening area. The bass accen... 
Who is the sexiest female vocalist?
Snooker: that's called 'Brass In Pocket' 
RPG Skyline mounting on ceiling
(Somewhat off topic, yet relevant) I had my entire room's ceiling sprayed 1" thick with bleached-white cellulose insulation fiber. This is the same gray stuff found on warehouse ceilings, etc. It improved the echos & reflections considerably &... 
Who is the sexiest female vocalist?
Stevie Nicks is the longer haired blonde with Fleetwood Mac (re: Chaskell above). BTW: Her new solo release "Trouble In Shangrila" is a must-have for Stevie fans. Also Chrissy Hynde of Pretenders fame - what a voice, mmmmm! 
How do people dust their systems?
try Endust for Electronics. Has anti-stat properties so it's good for video monitors too. Does everything that Nordost ECO3 does, except it doesn't cost $40 a can 
Cable Supenders - Anyone Try Vibrapods?
One poster here used inverted & shortened styrofoam cups as cable elevators. I've never tried it, but if it works for you then the cups could be spraypainted a dark color to hide them somewhat. For me this is one of those things I'd view quite... 
For You: THE most imprortant element...
Music conveys emotion, some even say that it IS emotion. Draws you in & transforms you to 'another world' beyond the state of consciousness. You're physically still sitting on that sofa, but unconsciously you're a million miles away, or somewh... 
Website leaking oil?
I looked it over too, & I think that they're doing more than just posting ads for that kind of dough. If I understand correctly, they're acting as transaction-facilitator & escrow agent go-between between seller & buyer, thus explainin... 
The end of an affair?
For a great solid state pre try an awesome Accuphase. Just recently got 'hold of one myself; I must admit that I don't yet know how good it really is. Most every time that I install better cables etc, the rig goes to yet another level. Martice yo... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
There's something to be cautious about regarding mod's: You like it now, but what happens if you don't like the sonic signature after the tweak-up? Pay more to restore it back again - or sell it off & buy another like the one you just had. I h... 
What s wrong with this picture?
Leafs you are so right on regarding enonomies of scale. The equipment that "we" buy is hand made in small quantities with quality components. Then add in the design engineering & all overhead; it's easier then to comprehend the price structure... 
What to do when you receive damage goods
Rdr: You've certainly raised an issue here that deserves airing. Transaction feedback can come back to haunt you if you've been unfortunate enough to have a bad experience, & then try to warn others about it by legitimately posting an objectiv... 
Kharma Cables
I have a Kharma KRC-1a silver AC cord that I sometimes use. Very sweet open & detailed cord; generates a sense of huge stage when used on a preamp (it's a small cord anyway, for source components only) 
TV and Tube gear.
If isolating the CATV's ground doesn't cure this (just disconnect the CATV to determine if that's the actual cause) then try isolating the TV's audio ground from your audio system's ground. If that's the cause of hum then you'll need a pair of ine...