
Responses from bob_bundus

Need help - system performance
Steve you have this figured out alright - that Monster Cable is really hurting you badly. For a run that long you'd be better off with a networked type speaker cable - try some MIT (or Transparent if you really want to spend some $). Get some MIT ... 
Break in period for power conditioners ?
Although I have not personally observed the breakin phenomena occuring with AC conditioners, I've been told by both a manufacturer & an "authority" (one of their dealers) that breakin does in fact occur with their devices. I've certainly exper... 
Power cables best home?
When I want to hear the sonic signature of a specific AC cable, I change all my AC cords back to stock & then install the "test" cable on my preamp. Bob Cohen at (Cable Co) advised my to try that approach long ago & it seems to... 
MIT 750 Magnum - opinions please
It's no surprise to me that you keep returning to MIT. After several very satisfied years running MH750+, I upgraded to solid state MH750 Magnum BiWire about 7 months ago. The newer MH750 was an improvement in every way; Vader's "same sonic signat... 
"Pace", it's importance for enjoyment?
Sean I agree completely with you. Program that's thin-sounding, lacking in bass, it just doesn't swing. Add in some bass (with those 'dreaded' tone controls if available) and your toes are tapping again. Your harmonic structure theory certainly se... 
anyone listen to the new Ayre V5 or V6
I noticed that they reduced idle power consumption by over 1/2 compared to the V3, & by over 1/3 compared to the V1. Does it still have the 'air' & staging of the V3? 
New category for trades?
Trading might be workable between two 'certified' members (if that idea ever gets off the ground). Otherwise, unless both parties have accumulated a reasonable quantity of verifiable feedback, I'd be very hesitant to try something like that in lig... 
Upper Midrange Glare problem
The setup basically looks good; how about addressing some room treatment? 
Preamp advice, all comments welcome
Evan you might just need to apply some tweaks into your existing rig in order to enhance what you already have, & realize its full potential. Play around with cabling; interconnects & AC cords too. Browse the forums for tips on vibration c... 
Recommendation: Wireless Headphone?
I tried the Koss infrared wireless headphones some time ago. They were very noisy, like a bad gassy tube. Unless some radical improvements have been made, you'd be better off with an AM radio. 
Why not PS Audio's Lab cables?
I don't run an outboard DAC, but if I did then that's the place for an upgrade cord IMO. YMMV so please don't hesitate to experiment a bit. 
Why not PS Audio's Lab cables?
Yo: I'm running the JPS Digital AC on my EAD Ultradisc 2000 CD player. I've used a few other cords on it such as Custom Power Top Gun Special (Special = specially made for me because I wanted one without the differential mode filtering) but for lo... 
Anyone has Marsh amp ?
Ry there's a Marsh dealer here in the states that you could contact; they do deal internationally & you might even be able to arrange for an audition. Chicago area: HOLM Audio in Woodridge Illinois 630-663-1298. From my experience as a custome... 
Why not PS Audio's Lab cables?
A nice midpriced AC cable for digital is the JPS Digital AC, in my experience. 
Suggestions on CDP
My last CD upgrade a few years back was very brief audition-wise so experience is limited, but I did audition the Aplha 9 with only mediocre results. Perhaps it was just a setup issue, but when I swapped the EAD Ultradisc 2000 against the Arcam, t...